Oatmeal biscuits

Oatmeal biscuits

It is difficult to overestimate the benefit of oatmeal cookies: there is a lot of fiber in it, it is very useful for cleaning the intestine and at the same time perfectly copes with the role of a delicate dessert to tea. All other oatmeal, as a separate product, is considered very dietary. To cook and cookies, it is enough to make it without adding flour.

The fact is that in the most oatmeal there are the same properties as in conventional wheat flour, but at the same time it is less caloric and is not packed as a result on the sides and in the abdomen. Therefore, such a cookie will become indispensable for those sweet teeth who are still baked about their fig. Moreover, there is a wonderful recipe for oatmeal, in which the flour is not needed at all!

Ingredients for oatmeal without flour

  • 150 g of oat flakes;
  • 100 g of butter;
  • 100 g of sugar sand;
  • 1 egg;
  • pinching cinnamon;
  • 1 tsp. baking powder (instead of a bundle you can use 1 tsp. Hained soda);
  • 5 tbsp. l. Sedueta (you can also sunflower seeds, crushed peanut nuts, raisins, etc.).

The process of cooking oatmeal without flour

  • Oatmeal should be chopped in a blender to the state of the powder so that you can then use it instead of flour for cooking.
  • Creamy oil must be made in advance from the refrigerator so that it becomes soft enough, so that it was possible to beat it in a blender with sugar before receiving a homogeneous mass.
  • To the resulting creamy sugar, you need to add an egg and beat them with a blender for half a minute.
  • In the resulting mass, pour flour from oat flakes, add cinnamon, baking powder - all this is prevented well.
  • The last stroke in the preparation of the dough for oatmeal will be the addition of sesame seeds or sunflowers, or nuts (before they can be slightly frying in a frying pan).
  • Now the test must be chilled, therefore, wrapping it into the food foil or covering it with a hermetic lid, we send it to the refrigerator for an hour and a half.
  • From the resulting test you can roll small balls with a diameter of 3-4 cm and decompose them on a pre-covered parchment paper counterpart, observing between the balls a distance of 4-5 cm.
  • Bake oatmeal biscuits are necessary within 20 minutes at a temperature of 180 ° C.

During baking, cookies are a bit "breaking up", turning into flat cakes. Taking them out of the oven, you need to give him a little time so that it is cooled, after which you can safely serve to the table. For beauty, cookies can also trig off sugar and decorate with fresh fruit.

Oatmeal cookies are perfectly combined with milk or with some herbal tea.

Bon Appetit!

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