How to cook twig

How to cook twig

Brushwood - crisp cookie, roasted in deep powder, sprinkled with sugar powder and similar to autumn leaves. This dessert, whose homeland is considered to be Greece, got into Russia in the second half of the XIX century. The delicacy passed on the kitchens of the middle class, as it was cheap and just in preparation - from flour, water and salt kneaded the dough, cut it with stripes and roasted on any fat.

Now the brush is done differently: on sour cream, mayonnaise, cream, with vodka, brandy, rum - for the crumb size, for smells are placed vanilla or cinnamon and prepare on olive oil.

How to cook a classic twig

A classic twig is more famous called "ordinary", because it is quickly done and does not require special ingredients.

For this recipe, you will need: 2 cups of flour, 4 yolks, 50 gr. Sugar, full of sour cream or milk. Lachy oil - by volume of container for frying.

  • Strip yolks with sugar, enter the milk, pour out the flour and knead the steep dough. Cut it with pieces and slightly roll out.
  • The resulting layers are divided into 8 cm long ribbons, 2 cm wide. Make in the middle of each incision, drag one edge strips to the planned hole and remove it.
  • In preheated oil, lower the figures on the figures and fry on both sides.

Finished twig to remove fat, lay out on a paper towel, and when the cookie will cool, sprinkle with sugar.

How to cook a trust on vodka

Chicker - the Italians are so called the Italians, prepared with the addition of strong alcohol. We have this ingenic recipe quickly mastered, however, in a somewhat interpreted form, it is added to the dough not rum, and vodka.

  • Take: 400 gr. flour, 3 eggs, 70 ml of vodka, milk half a cup, 2 tbsp. l. Sugar and butter, orange zest, pinch salts. Fryer oil - in need.
  • Eggs with salt and milk sweep in a bowl. Add flour, sugar, zest, butter. Mixing the dough, pour alcohol, roll the ball, leave on the table. After 40 minutes, break the dough into a thin cake. Form from it figures with holes in the middle and fry in a large amount of oil. Next - as in the first recipe.

How to cook a twig on yeast

A very tasty dessert is obtained by using yeast in a recipe.

  • Dissolve 12 gr. yeast and 2 tbsp. l. Sahara in 1/2 cup of water. Pull the flour, stir everything up to homogeneity, let weight foam.
  • Enter the egg, salt. Check the dough, then roll it like on dumplings.
  • Form from the rectangle rectangles with longitudinal cuts along the entire length. Take the brawl strips and cook in deep fryer.

Such braids are tasty with foam milk, tea, cocoa.

How to cook a brush from potatoes

Potato twig is well combined with fruit drinks, compote, gas production and enjoy fans of crispy chips.

Clean boiled potatoes (8 pieces), scroll it on the meat grinder. Put in the ground - 1 cup of flour, 3 eggs, 100 gr. mayonnaise, black pepper, salt. Stir, roll out sausages from mashed potatoes, cut them into small circles. The blanks roll out, catch them with a fork in several places, the edges give the shape of flower petals and roast on the lean oil.

How to cook a tricky to beer

The twig, prepared with the addition of cheese, is perfect for beer, kvass, red wine.

  • Products: 200 gr. Flour and grated cheese, 50 ml of water and brandy, 2 eggs, salt, vegetable oil.
  • Sutitate on a large grater of cheese, add flour and other components, mix. Sprinkle the table with flour, as the dough will get sticky, and roll it into the reservoir with a thickness of 10 mm. Cut strips and roast to ruddy color.

By the way: such a brush is not necessary to fry, it can be baked in the oven for 12 minutes.

  • Sprinkle Cookies with a large salt and serve hot.

Waller cooking options, so experiment, look for your recipe for cookies, which will have to taste your loved ones and decorates the table of any home celebration.

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