How to make a shortbread dough

How to make a shortbread dough

Safety dough is ideal for cookie cookie. From sandy cakes, a creamy cream, very tasty cakes are obtained. And if these cakes with cream cut into rectangular pieces and additionally decorate nuts or berries, you can treat guests with homemade sand cakes. For the sandy dough, it is gentle and crumbly, it needs to be able to make it properly.

All ingredients for the test should be cold - the dough it does not tolerate strong heat. The room where it will be kneaded, also preferably not heated, i.e. Do not turn on the oven in advance. It will be heading until the dough will "relax" in the refrigerator.

Some General Dough Preparation Rules:

  • Shortbage dough is obtained by the crumpled, the greater the fatty component in it (butter or margarine). On oil the dough will be tastier than on Margarine, but less fragile. Therefore, it is recommended to take their equal amounts.
  • Sugar, so - if you replace it with sugar powder, then the dough will be in the literal sense to "melt in the mouth."
  • The sandstop dough responds well on all sort of fragrances, but it is best to add a lemon zest to it - it will give an incredible aroma and freshness.
  • In some recipes, the eggs are offered in the sandy dough, although some cooks are trying to do without them. In the extreme case, replace the eggs on only their yolks - proteins make dough tough.
  • Water to knead the dough take the icy - put in advance the people from the freezer in advance.
  • Dough make very quickly so that the oil does not have time to melt, but simply mixed with flour.

And now the recipe for a very tasty and light sand dough. Prepare:

  • butter creamy - 50 g;
  • margarine - 50 g;
  • flour - 200 g;
  • sugar - 50 g;
  • water Ice - 2 tablespoons;
  • vanillin or lemon zest - to taste.

Prepare the dough in such a sequence:

  1. Mix in a bowl of flour, sugar, vanillin or zest.
  2. Solid, but not frozen, oil and margarine Stodit on a large grater directly in flour.
  3. Distribute flour with a fatty component of the hands so that there are peculiar oil-flour crumbs in the bowl.
  4. Pour water and quickly knead the dough.
  5. Skate it into the ball, which is then slightly adding - it turns out a thick cake.
  6. Wrap the dough with the food film and send it to the refrigerator, but not in the freezer.

Give the test to relax in the refrigerator 30 minutes, and then start working with it. Roll it on the board, pushed by a small amount of flour. With the help of culinary molds or ordinary wine glasses cut out the future cookies and spread it on a dry baking sheet. Bake the products in the oven preheated to 180-200 degrees. Ready cookies with chocolate icing or glue two any thick jam.

Shortbread dough is remarkably suitable for "grated" cake. For him, prepare the dough from the twin amount of ingredients. Ready sandstop dough divide into two unequal parts (2/3 and 1/3). Smaller roll into the ball and freeze in the freezer - it will take 60-80 minutes. Most of the battle on the shape of the army and put it on the sheet. Explore any thick jam or jam. Frozen soda dough directly on the fruit filling using the largest grater. Pie bake up to a golden top layer.

In the video presented you can see how to cook the sandy dough on another recipe - with the addition of eggs into it. By the way, in any dough you can pour a pair of cocoa powder spoons - then it will get a sandy chocolate. Or shredded in powder walnuts - the dough will be sandy-nut.

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