How to make chocolate cakes

How to make chocolate cakes

Chocolate cake is one of the most favorite desserts, which is perfect for any tea party. Often the cakes are associated with the holiday, especially with decent decoration. For the preparation of such baking, the foundation is necessary - chocolate cakes. In this article we will look at several options for their preparation.

Biscuit chocolate coggs

This is one of the simplest and simple and at the same time complex blanks for a chocolate cake. It is best to cook biscuit in a slow cooker or a modern electric oven, since the uneven air flows in the gas furnace can cause the sedimentation of the look.

For cooking you need these products:

  • 8 eggs;
  • 220 g of flour;
  • spoon of a baking powder;
  • tablespoon cocoa;
  • 250 g of sugar.

Separate squirrels from yolks. With the help of a mixer, turn the protein into a magnificent foam, pour half of the sugar and sweat again. It is necessary to achieve that the grains of sugar completely disappeared. Send foam to the side and repeat the procedure with yolks. Gently enter the yolks in the protein foam and mix the wooden spoon from top to bottom. In a separate vesion, you mix the sifted flour with a baking powder and cocoa powder. Add a dry mix in egg foam, stirring with a wooden blade. Pour the liquid mass into the detachable shape of the parchment. Place the ground in the oven for 30-40 minutes.

Preferably the first 25 minutes do not disturb the root so that it does not sat down.

Finished biscuit pull out from the oven, and turn down the cap down, place on the metal grille and let it cool.

How to make chocolate cakes

Chocolate cakes from sand dough

Delicious cakes that can be lubricated with a cava or sour cream. For cooking you need:

  • 210 g margarine;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 220 g of sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons of cocoa;
  • 600 g of flour;
  • baking powder.

Suitoriate frozen margarine on the grater and mix with the other ingredients. Check the dough, it should be inhomogeneous with margarine pieces. Do not place for a long time, otherwise Margarine melts and the dough will become drig. Quickly divide com on three identical pieces, cover them with a film and put on the cold for 2-8 hours. Remove the dough from the refrigerator. Each piece put on the parchment and cover the food film.

Through the cellophane, roll the cakes, with a diameter of 25-28 cm. Fucking is not needed.

Right on the parchment, transfer cakes into the oven for 15-20 minutes.

Sour cream chocolates

Classic chocolate syntra recipe. To make it cooking in a bowl of 2 eggs, half a cup of milk and 200 g of sugar. Add 220 g sour cream (plastic cup) and a baking powder with 2 cocoa tablespoons. All mix and pour into a liquid mass of a glass of flour. Liquid dough pour into shape, pre-sprawling it with oil. Bake 40 minutes. Remove from the furnace and cool. Divide the cake for two embers and wake them with sour cream or whipped proteins.

As you can see, a lot of recipes for making chocolate cakes. What to choose depends on the contents of your refrigerator and preferences. Larzing similar semi-finished products with cream, you will get a delicious cake for a festive tea party.

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