How to make cream for cake yourself

How to make cream for cake yourself

Rarely what a celebration costs without a festive cake, be it an anniversary, a wedding or a children's holiday. As they say, the holiday failed, if it did not reach the sweet table. But even the most delicious dough or cakes can spoil an unsuccessful cream or on the contrary to emphasize the advantages of the foundation. Self-cooked cream is much more tastier, and you will be able to decide how sweet it will be. You will need a simple set of ingredients, mixer, bowl and saucepan with thick walls.

Cream cream based on condensed milk. This is one of the easiest and most common recipes, which is particularly well suited for biscuit cakes. Take 250 g of the lowered cream oil and take it well with a wedge or mixer. Then we gradually add a condensed milk into the container and beat again until the mass starts to lag behind the walls of the bowl.

The custard is prepared as follows:

  • Capture 250 g of milk and cool it.
  • Mix yolks from two eggs with a tablespoon of flour, 125 g of sugar and a pinch of vanilla sugar.
  • Enter the resulting mixture into warm milk, breaking lumps.
  • Put the saucepan on fire and cook, stirring, 5-7 minutes while the cream does not thicken.

Curd cream. For its preparation, it is necessary to wipe through the sieve of 400 g of cottage cheese and mix it with four yolks and a compatible sugar. Then add whipped chilled cream 30% fat. Optionally, you can additionally add nuts, berries or raisins.

Chocolate cream. To make it, buy 250-300 g of black or milk chocolate and melt on a water bath. At the same time, make a cup of tea with Bergamot. When tea will cool down a little, connect it with melting chocolate. Stress the unusual taste of orange or lemon. Put the workpiece for 4-6 hours in the refrigerator, and then take a mixer to the air condition.

Protein cream. In a different way, he is called meringue. It is very gentle and lightweight, ideal for decorating the cake, and it still does not need to cook. You only need to take 4 eggs directly from the refrigerator and separate the proteins. Then add a little lemon juice to the proteins and beat to strong foam. Next, gradually spare a glass of sugar powder, without stopping the work of the mixer. The finished cream should be well held on the vanity blades and do not fall.

How-to cook-protein-cream

Sour cream. This is a multifunctional recipe that can be used both as an independent dish - dessert served with fruit and chocolate. The first thing to fill 30 g gelatin with cold water and leave swept in a saucepan. You will also need to cool the pollogram of fatty sour cream. Next, it is necessary to beat on a cold water bath until the amount of sour cream is twice. In parallel, we sleep a glass of sugar and a little vanillina. Pan with gelatin, put on the stove and melt it. Slightly cool the mass and pour into the sour cream mixture, continuing to sharpen it.

This is the basic recipes for cake creams. You can show a little imagination, experiment with ingredients, dyes, changing the taste, color and consistency of the cream. It is possible that you will become the author of the new culinary masterpiece.

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