How to make cottage cheese cream

How to make cottage cheese cream

Many love desserts with curd cream, they not only incredible tasty, but and useful. Curd desserts help normal dinner turn v real holiday with exquisite treat. This cream can use for cooking pirogov, cakes, different cupcakes and even cookies and  others sweets. Cook curd dessert can on one's own, and this is enough simply.

1Benefit cottage cheese

Cottage cheese is different enough high content squirrel, a so how he  it turns out v aspect fermentation, then  and oK uses organism. This product incredible useful how children, so and adults. Hard overestimate his significance v diet, v his composition contains not only calcium, but and great number different useful and important for health substances.

2) Classical recipe cooking Curd cream

To you need next ingredients:

  • 250 g. fatty cottage cheese;
  • 50 g. creamy oil room temperature;
  • 300 g. sugar powders (if you sweetka., you can put little more sugar powders);
  • vanilla.

To your cream opened right and delicious, to you necessary not only prepare necessary ingredients, but also important to follow defined technologies cooking.

  • Mix prepared cottage cheese with vanilla and creamy oil room temperature. Using mixer, mix ingredients before receipt uniform consistency.
  • Gradually add sugar pooh, stir mass. To v cream not it was nic komochekov, pooh desirable preliminary sift.
  • Beat at aid mixer your cream before uniform consistencies.

Your curd cream on classic recipe ready,  and you you can his use v of their culinary masterpieces.

3) Curd  custard cream

This cream little vidosimen, but this is does his unique. For his cooking to you need next ingredients:

  • 500 g. cottage cheese;
  • 100 g. creamy oil;
  • 50 g. sugar powders;
  • 2 pCS eggs yolkov;
  • 0,5 h. l.  soda foodie;
  • vanilla.

Cooking cottage cheesecusto cream:

  • Necessary prepare cottage cheese, for of this wheel his across sieve. Add v prepared cottage cheese all ingredients in addition to sahara. Leave  on three hour.
  • Prepare water banu. and put on 10 minutes on hERE mass, add sugar, thoroughly stir. Leave little cool down
  • Cooked mass purse v capacity and leave on nightIn the morning you can use ready cream.

4) Curd cream with cream

This cream it turns out incredible gentle and delicious, he onreal light and air. For cooking of this air cream to you need next products:

  • 200 g. cottage cheese low fatness;
  • 200 ml cream dense;
  • vanilla;
  • 100 g. sugar powders.

Cooking curdcreamy cream:

  • Peretrit cottage cheese for receipt uniform masses. You can use sieve or blender, what far more convenient.
  • Mix prepared in advance cream together with sugar. and vanilla, beat mixer or blender.
  • Mix prepared cottage cheese with obtained mass.


On it is cooking gentle and air cream it's finished, you can his use for of their dishes.
If to sprinkle any from these creams top chocolate, you give sweet notes.

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