How to make cottage cheese at home

How to make cottage cheese at home

Cottage cheese is a very useful and valuable milk product. Unfortunately, we do not always get it in people who are manufactured, and cottage cheese from the store is not always high quality. But I want to please yourself and your loved ones with real homemade cottage cheese. But you can always cook it at home.

The benefits of cottage cheese

  • Thanks to its useful properties, he supports our body. After all, it contains a huge amount of protein. It is the protein that we need for a full digestion and healthy vital activity of the body. Thanks to him, our nervous system and bones are strengthened. It is especially necessary to eat cottage cheese kids, old men and pregnant women, as well as suffering sugar diabetes, people with disabilities of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Cottage cheese helps to our stomach to adjust the microflora, suppress the grinding bacteria. As for his assimilation, it is the easiest of all milk products.
  • Also, cottage cheese must be equipped with those who damaged the bones, suffered a disease, losing weight, increases its muscle mass. In general, cottage cheese is needed to all, and sick, and healthy.
  • In children's nutrition, it also does not do without cottage cheese. With six months, cottage cheese is introduced for a child. It helps to develop the toddler bone system correctly, ensures the proper work of the children's intestine, helps to be healthy teeth. Cottage cheese, which is cooked from goat milk is considered the very best. Such cottage cheese is hypoallergenic, because there are no lactose in it.

Of course, it is easiest to go and just buy cottage cheese in the store, but that it will certainly be useful to prepare it best at home. It can be made of milk or from kefir.

Recipes cooking cottage cheese at home

Prepare cottage cheese at home is not a big problem. The most important thing is to separate the serum during the time it heats up. Because, if you cut, it turns out hard curd. And if you remove too early, then cottage cheese will be sour.

Even if suddenly you will not succeed at the first time, do not despair. This is a matter of practice. The next time it will be necessary. Start always your samples from a small amount of milk, for example, from one liter. The number of cottage cheese, which you get directly depends on the amount of milk and its fat.

Milk cottage cheese at home

  • To start, take one liter of milk. Pour it into a saucepan and leave in a dark place to his whistery. It usually takes about a day at room temperature.
  • Then he put sour milk on the stove or on a water bath. It depends on how it is easier to control the process. In the process of cooking, you will see how curd pieces are departed and the serum is completely separated. It can take from 30 to 40 minutes. Everyone is different.
  • Then, having gathered all the cottage cheese, put it on the clean gauze and hang over the corner or just leave in the colander. As soon as all the liquid is stitching, cottage cheese is ready.
  • Even if you do not have the opportunity to purchase fresh milk from farmers, you can still cook cottage cheese at home. This can be done even from pasteurized milk that is sold in every store.

Homemade cottage cheese from kefir

From kefir, good cottage cheese is also obtained. For its preparation, take a kefir (best of all the most fresh) and heated it in a saucepan of about 30 minutes. Then leave it in the same saucepan until a complete cooling. And after that, turn everything through sieve or gauze. You will have no less gentle and delicious homemade cottage cheese.

Storage conditions of homemade cottage cheese

Keep homemade cottage cheese is necessary at temperatures from 2 to 6 degrees Celsius. The shelf life of this product should not exceed 14 days. Packaging cottage cheese is preferably the most hermetically. Alternatively, it is possible, of course, to freeze it, thereby extend the shelf life of this product. But it is better to eat it until he is fresh or just cook your family's favorite dish from it.

Most popular dishes from cottage cheese

Recipe options that are prepared on the basis of cottage cheese, there is a huge amount. The most popular are:

  • Curd casseled.
  • Dumplings with cottage cheese.
  • Syrniki.
  • Sweet cottage cheese mass.
  • Cheese cheese.
  • Easter.

Most of these dishes are suitable for baby food. Cottage cheese, which you cook at home, well diversifies your daily diet.

Be sure to prepare cottage cheese at home. You can't buy such cottage cheese anywhere. Be sure to please yourself and your favorite households cottage cheese. It will not only be delicious, but also very useful!

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