How to make home cheese

How to make home cheese

Cottage cheese - a product that is easy to make yourself at home in the kitchen. As early as the 8th century BC. NS. man learned to obtain cheese from sour milk, separating the whey from the curd. Now in stores sold the cheese for every taste - cream, hard, soft, smoky, but is this beauty is expensive and contains all sorts of preservatives and fillers. And what I want to eat a piece of natural cheese! There is a solution - make cheese at home, and we have recipes to share with you.

How to make cheese at home on kefir

This is the simplest way of cooking. Take 3 liters of milk, 1 liter of yogurt, 0.5 tsp.. Salt.

  • Warm the milk until boiling, enter the yogurt, salt, keep on heat for 5 minutes.
  • Crud strain through a colander, the laid gauze folded into three layers. Tie a cloth bag and hang it in a convenient location to glass serum.
  • Remove the resulting loaf, put it in a cup, put on top of the cargo - a jar of water. Leave for the night. In the morning, expand the cheesecloth - a young cheese is ready. Cut into pieces and serve tea with fresh baking.

How to make the house cheese curd

Please note, only fat cottage cheese get cheese that will not crumble when sliced. Ingredients: 400 gr. cheese, 500 ml of milk, 100 g. butter, 1 egg, 0.5 hours. l. soda and salt.

  • Stir the milk in a saucepan with cream cheese and place on a small fire. Boil the mixture for five minutes to form a whey.
  • Fold the curd slurry on a sieve and allow to drain fluid. Send a clean pot resulting mass, add the egg, salt, baking soda, the softened butter.
  • Cook 7 minutes, when the curd ceases to adhere to the container, remove the pan from the heat. Transfer the cooled cheese to form and store it in a cool place. After 2 hours - remove the sample.

How to make a home of cream cheese

Made from cream cheese, similar to mascarpone - soft, tender, with a sweet creamy taste. Formulation 4 liters of milk, 3 tbsp. cream, 1 tbsp. l. wine vinegar.

Pour into the capacity of milk and cream, warm on the water bath, while pairs will not go from the dairy mixture. Enter vinegar, stir. When making a lump - remove the container and leave thickening. The resulting mass resolve through the gauze, cool down, break into the mold and remove the refrigerator per day.

How to make home garlic cheese

Such cheese is good on a sandwich to breakfast or day snack. It will take: 2 l of milk, 400 grams. Sour cream, a half cup of kefir, 5 eggs, 2 tbsp. l. Salts, bunch of dill, 3 cloves of garlic.

Beat the mixer sour cream, kefir, eggs. Pour the resulting mixture into a hot milk with hot milk. Add salt to boil. When the mass is completed, remove from the heat, cool down, filter through a rag. Add crumbled dill and chopped garlic into cottage cheese. Tie a knot canvas, put in a bowl, covering the top plate. Put the load and leave to ripen for 12 hours.

How to make house cheese mozzarella

In order to make Mozarella need a pepsin enzyme that can be bought in a pharmacy. Components: 3 l of milk, 250 ml of water, 2 ppm Pepsin, 0.5 h. l. citric acid and salt.

  • Dissolve the acid in 1/2 art. water. Enzyme mix too with water. Heat the milk, enter the acid solution, add gas and bring the temperature of the composition up to 35 °. Pour pepsin, stirring, tapping all 3 minutes. Remove the container from the fire.
  • In about an hour, a lump-bunch is formed - put it in a colander. Serum boost, salute, lower a lump in it for 20 seconds, then get it out and stretch it with your hands (do not forget to put on gloves). Repeat the manipulation of three times, then pull the cheese and roll the balls from it.
  • Serve mozzarella with greens, tomatoes, olives, and remain the rest in the refrigerator in the jar with brine.

Prepare home cheese is not so difficult as it seems, so we hurry to the store for the necessary ingredients and experiment, taking our recipes as a basis.

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