Homemade ice cream without cream

Homemade ice cream without cream

Ice cream prepared using cream, unconditionally, tasty and refreshing. But what to do when the expensive ingredient is currently not affordable? Or when does the diet require the elimination of fatty foods from the diet? We offer you several recipes at least appetizing delicacy without adding cream. Such ice cream can be prepared at home, and the main component in it will become milk.

Salter deservedly enjoys success in sweet bowls is no longer the first hundred years. You will be able to get the most real seal, guided by the next recipe. You will need:

  • milk - 1 l;
  • creamy oil - 100 g;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp.;
  • yolk eggs - 5 pcs.;
  • starch - 1 tsp.

In the enameled dishes, pour milk and send it to heal on the stove. Oil cut into small pieces, add to the milk. While the mixture boils, in a separate bowl, mix sugar, starch and yolks. In the resulting Cashitz, pour on a little bit of milk so that the result is a mass, reminding sour cream. Pour the mass in boiling milk, and constantly stirring, wait for a re-boiling. Your ice cream remains to cool, pour into forms and freeze. Enjoy the delicious filling of your own cooking.

Another classic taste for ice cream is chocolate. You will need:

  • water - 20 g;
  • milk - 20 g;
  • egg - 2 pcs;
  • sugar - 50 g;
  • chocolate (to taste dark or milk) - 50 g;
  • sugar Powder - 20 g.

Mix water and sugar and boil up to get thick sugar syrup. Separate squirrels from yolks and sweat their mixer well. When proteins turn into a foam, pour into a bowl with them without ceasing boiled syrup. Whip the resulting mass is still for 2-3 minutes. Heat the milk and without removing it from fire, dissolve chocolate in it. With the help of a mixer, beat the yolks until they packed, then add chocolate milk to them without ceasing. Send the mixture on the stove and stir until you get a homogeneous thick mass. Leave all the prepared components to cool, then connect both masses into one, burst into the forms and freeze. After 3-4 hours, your chocolate ice cream is ready.

If you want to pamper yourself with fresh fruits or berries, armared the following recipe. Banana ice cream will fill you with the mood of a cool summer evening. As a filler, use any fruits and berries that you have. You will need:

  • sugar - 80-100 g;
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • bananas - 2 pcs.;
  • fruits and berries.

After pre-cutting the bananas into pieces, send them to the freezing chamber. Mix all the ingredients, add your favorite fruits or berries to the container, as well as frozen bananas. All beat in the blender. Mass should not get too liquid, so control the whipping time. As a result, you will have a soft fruit ice cream based on a banana. Spread ice cream on vases and decorate it with berries or pieces of fruit.

We brought only the most basic ice cream recipes that can be prepared without cream. Guided by them, you can change and replace the ingredients to taste to get your unique and unsurpassed homemade ice cream.

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