How to cook condensed milk cream

How to cook condensed milk cream

Condensed milk - a universal product used for the preparation of confectionery products. It is used not only for the manufacture of cream, but also as the ingredient of the test. In this article we will tell how to make a condensed milk cream.

The banana cream with condensed milk is suitable for the grazing filling and to proliferate the cortex "Napoleon". Conventional condensed milk mix with sour cream and two bananas. All the mass is kept in a blender on medium turns of 2-3 minutes. Must happen a homogeneous mixture. The cream will be liquid, so remove it for 2 hours in the refrigerator and only after that shifted by the cakes. One bank of milk is 400 g of sour cream and 2 banana.

Do you adore biscuit cakes with caramel stuffing? To prepare a cream, you must pre-cook the jar of condensed milk. Try to cook the product to dark brown. On the cooking condensed milk will leave for 4 hours. After that, cool the sweetness and mix it with sour cream. With the help of a mixer, take the cream into a magnificent foam and on small speeds enter the caramel mixture with sour cream. Mix to obtain a homogeneous magnificent mass. One bank condensed milk is needed by 500 ml of cream and sour cream. For cooking filling, use 20% or 30% cream.

For the preparation of a classic cream, which fill baskets and nuts, it is necessary to soften the creamy oil. To do this, lay out it from the refrigerator and withstand at room temperature for 1 hour. Watch the egg yolk into the lush foam and mix with the oil. In small portions, enter the condensed milk (not boiled) and add vanillin. For piquancy, you can pour a tablespoon of the liqueur. Place the cream in the fridge for 2 hours and then fill the baskets or plunge the cakes. On 200 g of oil requires 100 ml of condensed milk and 1 yolk.

How to cook condensed milk cream

Are you going to surprise guests with a spicy cake? Prepare a cream with condensed milk with the addition of cognac. Mix the softened butter with condensed milk and pour 2 tablespoons of cognac. If you wish, add vanillin. On 200 g of oil, 150 ml of condensed milk is enough.

How to cook condensed milk cream

To volatile the biscuit, you can prepare a custard. Mix solid milk with flour and yolk and put on a water bath. All the time mix the mixture so that the egg does not curl. After the mass thickens, add a tablespoon of sugar and straws of butter. Leave the mixture to complete cooling. In the cooled mass, enter the condensed milk and add vanillin. 0.5 l of milk is 400 ml of condensed milk (1 bank), 2 tablespoons of flour and 100 g of oil.

How to cook condensed milk cream

You can prepare cottage cheese cream for tiramisu or unusual dessert. In a blender, grill fatty cottage cheese and add condensed milk into it. Add a handful of raspberries or strawberries to the thicket of the blender and take the mixture again. Such cream you can add any pudding or cover the Savoyardi cookies. You can use any seasonal berries. When adding cherries, pumped more sugar.

How to cook condensed milk cream

Creams based on condensed milk are well combined with nuts and dried fruits. Try not to mix chocolate and cream cream from boiled condensed milk. It turns out a shroud-sweet dessert.

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