How to make boiled condensed milk

How to make boiled condensed milk

Favorite delicacy, originally from childhood - boiled condensed milk, without her any mother's recipe for a home cake. On the shelves of shops, you can now find many different types of boiled condensed milk, various quality and manufacturers. To be confident in the naturalness of the product, weld the condensed milk at home.

There are two ways to cook condensed milk. The first, the easiest - to purchase a jar of condensed milk and cook it. Camefully approach the choice of the product, it must be made according to GOST and in the composition not to have vegetable fats or oils. The composition of good condensed milk includes milk and sugar. Place the closed jar into the appropriate saucepan and fill with water to the top. First boil on a strong fire, after boiling, we reduce the fire and cook about 2-3 hours on weak heat. It is important to constantly maintain the level of boiling water, do not let her buy. After about 2-3 hours, it is necessary to cool the condensed milk, the bay of it with cold water. You can open only fully cooled condensed milk.

In the oven also prepare boiled condensed milk in the water bath. Pour into deep dishes of water, mark the jar and close the foil tightly, the cooking time is about 2 hours. An even easier way to cook condensed milk in the microwave. Pour the condensed milk into the deep tank for the microwave. Boil on average power for about 15 minutes, periodically need to open the door and carefully stir condensed milk.

If you want to cook condensed milk on a more complex recipe, you can cook it yourself from milk and sugar. To cook about 1.5 liters. condensed milk, you need:

  • Milk - 3 liters;
  • Sugar - 1 kg;
  • Food soda - 1 tsp;
  • Lemon juice - 3 tbsp.

In a fairly large saucepan, sugar sugar and pour all the milk. Boil on medium fire, constantly mix until sugar is completely dissolved. After he broke down in milk, waiting for his boiling, remove from the fire and add soda and juice lemon. Be careful, the soda causes an active foam formation on milk and a hissing sound. Again, we put the milk on fire and bring to a boil. After the start of the boiling, you need to move 3 hours, cook on weak fire, the milk foams a little and quietly boils.

The stronger the fire for cooking, the faster the condensed milk is welded, but the less it will turn out. Gradually, milk begins to change color, the longer you cook it, the darker and the thick it becomes. To check the condensed milk for readiness and consistency - drop the droplet on the plate. If it does not spread - the milk thicked up if it spreads - the milk is still liquid. Also remember that it thickens a little when cooled. Having achieved the desired consistency, bulk the condensed milk into the jars.

Boiled condensed milk is used as a filling for a variety of desserts, cakes. Waffle tubes are prepared with it, pumped pancakes, put in porridge, puddings. Based on condensed milk, a variety of cream options for cakes is prepared. And tasty everything - to eat condensed milk from the can. Be sure to try to weld the houses of condensed milk, it is delicious, sweet and natural.

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