What to replace starch

What to replace starch

When the question arises, "what to replace starch", he must have a continuation - "to ...". Starch is used for the preparation of dough and jelly, and to give elasticity by cutlets, and for cooking thick sauces and creams. And with the help of starch starch, men's shirts and even stick the windows.

In order to cook kissel, you need potato starch. It can well be replaced by corn - the taste and consistency of the jile will not suffer from this. And in Starina Kislev cooked on rye or buckwheat flour. Rye in the house is unlikely to be found, but buckwheat can be done in five minutes. Just grind buckwheat in a coffee grinder, and then sift through fine sieve.

To thicken meat sauce, you can take flour instead of starch. It is advisable to deliver it on a dry frying pan - thanks to this, the sauce will not smell the flour, but will acquire a light nut aroma. Fruit or dairy sauce can be made thick with the help of a cream of large fatty or sour cream - sauces from this will be even tastier than starch.

Often, starch is added to the fruit fillings for the mistress pies, so that the juice does not flow from baking. In this case, the starch can be replaced with a natural coconut chips - it must be pre-ground at a coffee grinder.

In the cream for cakes and pies that are boiled on Starch, instead you can take a raw egg yolk. It is necessary to beat it well with sugar and a small amount of milk, and then weave the mass of a thin flowing into a boiling cream.

Sometimes in the recipes of the biscuit dough, along with flour, there is also starch - it gives a baking with great airiness. Try to add a handful of shallow mankey and whipped to "peaks" instead of the starch and whipped to "peaks".

Often, small children prepare steam cutlets, but without eggs. So that they do not disintegrate, they put starch. In this case, it can be replaced with a marked raw potato. It is necessary to rub it on the smallest grater.

If the starch was going to cook aleas to take the windows in the country, then without it you can also do. The usual flour cooked on the water will perfectly keep paper strips on the frames. You can also twist the soap and they process the places of gluing protective strips.


Some mistresses still starch white shirts of the son or curtains in the kitchen. If there was no starch in the house, then instead you can take PVA glue. It needs to be simply dissolved in water (2 tablespoons per 1 liter).

It turns out that starch has a huge number of substitutes. And you worried that there is no starch in the house.

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