What can replace the food coloring

What can replace the food coloring

If there is little in your home childThen, of course, the need for menu variety is quite high. Cook meals you can not only tasty and healthy, but also beautiful. Learn how to combine your own color, in this case to use an extract from natural products.

Let's start with red and crimson. As known, beet - a fine natural ingredients and accumulation of vitamins. Get the red color can be made from fresh juice or cooked vegetable. The second option would exclude vegetable flavoring, if the squeezed juice to add a few drops of lemon and a couple of grams of sugar. Mix the ingredients and place in the microwave for a few minutes, or bring to a boil on the fire - you get excellent syrup, which can be used for coloring cream, dough, jelly, drinks, confectionery mastic.

Scarlet, burgundy and crimson color is available from summer berries. Pomegranate, raspberry and cherry - a source of vitamins, antioxidants and pigmented substances. Fresh juice is better to bring to a boil with a pinch of sugar, which is the best natural preservative. If you do not undergo "crude" liquid heat treatment, the product is prepared with the addition of the pigment starts The port is already in a few hours.

For receipt yellow and use the orange pumpkin or carrots. If you have a carrot rich, vivid colors, then do the same beets: Pressed juice, bring to a boil. You can add a few drops of lemon and do not forget the sugar. Pumpkin will turn faded shades. You can combine products, varying the color and saturation. Moreover, yellow tone can be pulled from the saffron. To do this, it is enough to breed in warm water. Using a variety of spices and spices with a pronounced smell, be careful: ready-made dishes can be given in one way or another.

V quality green Paints from a natural product will be spinach or mint. Such colors can be obtained. way Cooking fresh. Grass green Colors can not be transferred to thermal processing, otherwise the final color of the resulting dye will be swamp or dirty green Tone. The spinach can be skipped through the meat grinder and reveal on slow fire.

Blue color will give blueberries and currants. Berries skip through a meat grinder or overload the blender, then pour with a small amount of boiling water, let it be broken and strain. Juice from such berries for you is not of interest, because the source of the color is formed in the bodie skirt. You can also add a pinch of sugar to the resulting liquid. For a good color consistency, use proportions in the ratio: berries to water - 1 to 0.5. Make the resulting makeup through the gauze. The addition of a greater or smaller amount of water can be played with color: from violet to saturated blue. Before preparing the main dish, do not be labeled experiment.

Brown can be obtained from cocoa if you cook jelly, biscuit, cocktail from checked Sahara. Also, to get brown, you can use cinnamon, which will give not only color, but also aroma. Turmeric also allows you to get a rich color from yellow To brown, depending on the concentration of the substance.

Variate flowers, play with saturation and brightness. Remember that milk is used as white, which is capable of lightening the resulting result and dull color to give live brightness.

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