How to replace Philadelphia

How to replace Philadelphia

Great Cheese Philadelphia has the taste of milk and cream. Some of its varieties flavory herbs and garlic. This cheese is very often found in the recipes of rolls, snacks sandwiches, cheesecakes, berry desserts. Dishes with Philadelphia, even if it is trivial rolls from zucchini, are incredibly tasty and festive. Not in every store for sale this famous cheese for the whole world. If it can be found, then the cheese may not have enough money - this product is quite expensive. How to replace Philadelphia and how to do it yourself - about it and this will be discussed in this article.

Replacing Philadelphia

If on the shelf in the store you do not see the Philadelphia cheese, pay attention to such pasty cheeses:

  • Buco from Arla;
  • Natura from Arla;
  • Almette from Hohland;
  • Cremette from Hohland;
  • Creamy Tasty Fresh from Milkana;
  • French Delphiya - it is produced in Ukraine;
  • Syrko - Country of Serbia.

All these cheeses are pasty and are made by approximately the same technology as Philadelphia. In addition to these cheeses, any others can be on sale. Pay attention to the inscription "soft" or "cottage cheese" on the package.

Home Recipes Philadelphia

Some hostesses are trying to replace Philadelphia in froth raw. But the usual "friendship" is made from the usual rusty solid cheese, which melts with the addition of milk and other ingredients. The cheese, which interests us is preparing by driving milk without its subsequent long-term excerpt.

Philadelphia of milk and kefir

  1. Pour 1 liter of milk in a saucepan. Add salt and sugar to it (one teaspoon). Bring milk to weak boiling.
  2. Enter two cups of kefir in boiling milk. Mass accurately, but mix pretty quickly.
  3. Minutes in two, when the milk will come, turn off the stove.
  4. Cut the rolled milk give a little cool (2-3 minutes), and then cast it into a colander, covered with three layers of gauze. Leave the mass on Marle for 15 minutes - during this time an extra moisture will leave from the future cheese.
  5. While the serum flows from the received clot, beat one egg and add citric acid to it at the tip of the smallest knife.
  6. Remove from gauze the resulting cottage cheese and mix it with a whipped egg. Mix the ingredients using a conventional fork or silicone spatula.

This home cheese is suitable for snacks with fish and vegetables, and for sweet desserts.

Philadelphia from cottage cheese

  1. 200 ml of a cream of 30% oily. Wake up a wedge - the product should thicken a bit.
  2. 500 gr. Grease cottage cheese shed a spoon to a plastic state.
  3. Mix cream, cottage cheese and add to them 150-200 gr. thick sour cream. Place it so much so that the cheese is not too liquid.
  4. In the resulting gentle mass, put in taste of salt and any spicy greenery. Dill, parsley, celery, basil Cut very finely.

Cheese with greens is designed for sandwiches and rolls.

Several light recipes with cheese Philadelphia

Philadelphia Cheese Snacks

  • Slices of white baton dried in the oven. Put the circles of fresh tomatoes on them, and on top - soft cheese. Decorate the sandwiches of arugula.
  • Thin pieces of black bread spread philadelphia. Explore pieces of low-alone salmon or kets from above. Fish sprinkle with ground black pepper.
  • Cut young zucchini along thin plates. Silte them and fry on vegetable oil. Discuss the napkin from excess fat. Each tongue exhaust cheese. Sprinkle cheese with ground mustard grains and dry basil. Tags roll together and put a slice of fresh cucumber.

Filadelphia Cheese Desserts

  • Finished sand tartlets Start cheese mixed with crushed nuts. At the top of the cheese, put on a single berry of strawberries or several berries of raspberries, blueberries or blackberries. Dessert Decorate with fresh mint leaves.
  • Thin pancakes spread cheese. Above the cheese with a thick berry puree on top of the cheese. Roll pancakes rolls, and then cut them into pieces. Dish feed with berry syrup or whipped cream.

If you have found an interesting recipe with the use of Philadelphia cheese, do not discard from its cooking due to the lack of this ingredient. Now you know what to replace it and how to make cheese yourself.

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