How to cook pasta tasty

How to cook pasta tasty

The most famous dish of Macaron is what is called "Pasta Pofty". And although it is quite tasty, but probably already tired of your households. Learn to prepare other dishes from Macaron, and we will help you in this. Instead of macaroni, you can also use any large pasta.

How to cook pasta - risotto of pasta with bow

This dish resembles rice risotto (when the croups are boiled immediately in the fragrant broth with spices and all sorts of additives). So:

  • 2 Very big bulbs Cut into thick half rings. Put in the scenery, in which it is preheated 30 mg of olive and 50 g of butter. Tow onions in oil 10-15 minutes to a soft condition and brown. Watch the bow to do not carry, for this keep the middle fire. When extinguishing, add a pair of salt pinch, a pinch of pepper and a twig of thyme.
  • When the bow becomes quite soft, pour it with 300 ml of any broth (meat, chicken or vegetable) or ordinary water. Bring onion sauce to boil.
  • Put 300 g of dry (not boiled) macaroni in boiling sauce. If the pasta is too long, let me break them into pieces.
  • Cook pasta in a bow sauce on a very slow fire. As the liquid is absorbed into them, add more hot broth or water. Total fluids for 300 g of pasta you will need up to 1 liter.
  • Constantly try pasta to the tooth so that they do not digest and have not turned into porridge. If you think that the salts are small, add it. When the dish is almost ready, print 30 parmesan grams into it.

Do not be afraid to use the bow - he will eventually dissolve in this dish and will not be completely felt on the teeth. But thanks to the large number of Luke Pasta, you will get unusually gentle and fragrant.

How to cook pasta with bacon and cheese

The recipe looks like this:

  • 300 g onion Single Cut with circles. Fry it to 1 tbsp. olive oil. On the oil, fry 3 minutes, and then pour 2 tbsp. Hot water - extinguish another 7 minutes.
  • Put 100 g of smoked bacon, sliced \u200b\u200bby small cubes to stew. Keep all together for another 10 minutes. Keep track of temperature so that the mass is not burned.
  • Cook to the state of Al-Dente 400 g of pasta and drain water from them. When cooking, do not forget to salt pasta. Do not pour into the fusion water - it will come in handy.
  • In the boiling sauce from Luka and Bacon, put 100 g of any soft cheese of the type "Ricotta" or "Philadelphia" - I'll break the cheese to pieces. Pour 1 cup of cast water and wait until the cheese is melted.
  • In the sauce, lay out boiled pasta and mix the dish.

How to cook pasta - cutlets

If you have left boiled pasta from yesterday, you prepare delicious cutlets from them. Before this, heal them in the microwave so that they become plastic.

  • Mix 2 raw eggs and 4 tbsp. L sour cream.
  • Add some salt, pepper and dry spicy herbs to them.
  • At this sauce, lay out boiled pasta (400 g) and mix gently.
  • Heat olive or vegetable oil in a pan and lay a large pasta mass on it with a large spoon.
  • Fry cutlets from two sides to a crust.

Serve a dish with tomato or sour cream sauce.

How to cook pasta - casserole

This dish can be prepared from the newly welded macaronium or used from yesterday's dinner.

  • Fry on olive oil 100 g onion Singing. If it is not in the house, then take the red bluette bulb.
  • Fried onions Mix with 50 g of canned peas and 50 g of canned corn.
  • Repair the vegetables 400 g of finished pasta and 50 g of grated solid cheese.
  • Pasta mass put into the form for baking and pour the sauce: 2 raw eggs, 70 ml of thick cream, slight salt and pepper and dry spicy herbs.
  • Send a casserole to a hot oven and cook it to a rosy top crust.

As you can see, from ordinary pasta you can easily prepare quite unusual dishes. And for those owners who do not know how to cook "Pasta in Flot" - this video recipe.

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