Than replace soda

Than replace soda

Food soda (sodium bicarbonate) is a safe and absolutely non-toxic substance that is present in most recipes for baking. There are situations when there may be a need (in its absence) or simply desire (due to the specific, barely tangible soda lift) to replace it for some other, possessing similar properties, the product. Let's deal with whether it is possible to replace this white powder on anything else.

The main property of soda

In order to understand why we add soda to baking, let's figure it out in its qualities. The main "power" is the ability to attach the test of air, crumbly and porosity. This is achieved due to the fact that the disintegration of the product for water, salt and carbon dioxide occurs when the white powder interacts with the acidic medium. Then carbon dioxide as a result of heating expands and gives the test the desired puff.

Dough dough replace soda

Bakery powder is a product that is a mixture of nutritional supplements: soda (5 parts), citric acid (3 parts), flour or starch (12 parts) - is ideal for replacing food soda. This ingredient is convenient because it is good to use it in the test, in which there is no "sour milk" (sour cream, prostrochy, kefir, yogurt, serum). The amount of breakthrower added to the dough instead of soda should exceed the initially required amount of soda twice or at the rate of 10 gr. Powder for 400 gr. flour.

Margarine or oil will replace soda

No less lush and delicious baking can be obtained by adding to the dish instead of soda oil or margarine. It is worth considering that putting these products should be larger than the recipe.

Alcohol will replace soda

Porosity Test can give alcoholic beverages (rum, brandy, vodka, beer, flavored liqueurs). 1 tbsp. l. Alcohol is proportional to 2.5 gr. soda.

Kefir or mineral water instead of soda

To cook lush pancakes, pancakes, biscuits, pies can be used by the addition of conventional kefira or strong mineral water into the dough, in half with milk or ordinary water (if such ingredients are available in the recipe).

If you decide to replace the soda, the addition of which is mandatory according to the recipe, to another product - be careful, since your baking as a result may not work. For example, if the composition of your test is present honey, chocolate, fruit puree or juice - soda is simply necessary, and yeast added to the biscuit will not replace the soda in any way.

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