How to quench soda

How to quench soda

Food soda in the kitchen is used to give the dough of airiness and ease. In order for pasting to do not have a specific smell, soda needs to be repayed.

Than quenching soda

Soda refers to alkaline chemical compounds and quenched by any acid. You can use:

  • vinegar - table, wine or apple;
  • pure lemon juice;
  • a solution of citric acid and water.

How to quench soda

For quenching, prepare soda, acidic liquid, a tablespoon and a teaspoon.

Daily soda so:

  • In the dining room spoon, pour so much soda as it is provided by the recipe.
  • Pour the acid to the teaspoon and very carefully, almost dropwise, pour it into soda.
  • Complete the damage process at the moment when the entire soda is soaked with liquid and will end the rapid reaction of carbon dioxide release.

Always need to guess soda

If in the test you're going to cook, there is kefir or prokobvash, then the soda can not be extinguished. It is better to mix dry with flour, and then pour kefir into this mixture. With stirring, the soda test is redeemed with a liquid acidic environment.

Honey dough for cake, which is prepared by a hot way, also requires the presence of soda. But in this case it is also possible not to extinguish. When honey together with sugar is mounted on a water bath, then it is necessary to pour out this hot mass, but strictly according to the recipe. Hot mass immediately launched and scattered, i.e. Soda will be resetting hot honey.

Easy cookies

When baking, instead of soda, you can use the store "Bakery Powder" or, as it is also called, "dough for test". It is not necessary to quench this special mixture, because there is dry citric acid except soda. When interacting with any liquid that is in the dough, the acid will exhaust soda independently.

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