How to knead the dough on the pies

How to knead the dough on the pies

Favorite all patties can be prepared from different types of test. An experienced hostess will surely make yeast dough, but we will tell you how to knead the simpler. Moreover, the pies on our recipes will not be worse than traditional yeast.

Great dough on soda. Practice in a bowl of 700 grams of flour. Separately take the floor of the lace of kefir, two eggs, a tablespoon of vegetable oil, the floor of a teaspoon of salt and one tablespoon of sugar. Pour this mass in the flour and mix. If the flour turned out to be a little, then add it until you can form a ball from the test. Put it on the board, grapped flour. Rock up to the thickness of 2 cm. Evenly sprinkle the dough not haired soda. Fold the dough twice, roll out and sprinkled with soda. Make so five or six times, each time the layers of soda each time. Total soda will need two teaspoons. Wrap the dough into the film and leave in the refrigerator at least three hours, you can even at night. Patties on soda dough roar on vegetable oil under a closed lid.

Pie C-green-onions-and-eggs

Dough on beer puff. Soft margarine (400 grams) Distribute flour with three glasses. Add 1 cup of light beer. Sweeping still flour, place the dough to the state when it can be sculpted with pies. Hold the dough hour two in the refrigerator. It turns out excellent small snack bars with mushrooms, potatoes, cabbage, meat. They need them in the oven.

Cottage cheese dough in pies will delight incredibly tender consistency and exquisite taste. Mix 250 grams of cottage cheese, 3 tablespoons of sour cream, 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 teaspoon of soda (it does not extinguish it). Separately take one egg and one tablespoon of vegetable oil. All mix and add gradually two glasses of flour. When the dough is able to roll into the ball, cover it with a towel and let "relax" 30-40 minutes. From such a test you can fry patties on a skillet with any filling, especially it is suitable for products with berries and fruits. So that with frying from the pies did not flow the juice, lay with sugar to the stuffing on the floor of the edge of the starch.

If you still want to make yeast dough for pies, we advise you to read our article "What to cook from yeast dough"where there is a wonderful recipe for a dough.

Experienced hostesses make dough from any products that are in the refrigerator: Black milk, serum, mayonnaise, kvass, sour cream. Experiment and you, based on the basic proportions of the products given in our recipes. Bon Appetit!

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