How to cook cabbage pie

How to cook cabbage pie

Pies are present in almost all national cuisines in the world, and in Russian cuisine they have almost sacred status. Only the tradition to celebrate guests with bread with salt speaks of the importance of bread and baking for Slavic people. Binding of centuries Pie with cabbage was considered one of the main lean eating options. But in the modern world, working women do not remain for the preparation of something like that, so a simpler version of this dish will have to be likewise.

You will need:

  • puff pastry (frozen);
  • cabbage;
  • vegetable oil;
  • 3-4 eggs;
  • salt pepper;
  • flour or waxing paper.

Puff pastry gets out of packaging and put on a plate for defrosting. Typically, the shopping dough consists of two squares that best put separately to avoid gluing them between themselves.

Fresh cabbage finely cut (you can use a special knife with a slot for this). On a preheated pan or a casheater with vegetable cabbage oil is stealing for 20-30 minutes with the addition of salt and pepper to taste.

In a small bowl, break 3-4 raw eggs, carefully shake the fork before mixing squirrel and yolk. A small part (approximately 0.5 of one eggs) leave for dough lubrication. After the cabbage becomes soft, the egg mass flows into it and is actively mixed with a spatula. It glues the stuffing and prevents it from the finished product when cutting.

Ground-frozen dough stretch with hands or roll over the rolling pin to the size of the form. If you use the dough selling twisted into the roll - cut it into two equal squares. One part goes on the bottom of the form, the second is used as the top of the cake. The bottom of the mold is lubricated with vegetable oil and sprinkled with flour, either begged by wax paper. After the formation of the lower part of the cake with sides, lay out the filling with a smooth layer. The second part is placed on top, the edges of two halves are firmly started. So that the cake did not swell when baking, make small holes on the dough with a knife, then lubricate the remaining egg mixture.

Bake in the oven or microwave oven in convection mode for about 40 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees until the test is ready.

This quick, lightweight and cheap option of the cabbage cake is a real find for women who want to delight close delicious homemade foods. It will take about 30-40 minutes to prepare, after which the oven will do everything herself. Surprise your native aerial and delicious delicacy, and they will ask you to cook it again and again!

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