All we are accustomed to the fact that confectionery products for giving them an appetizing type and delightful taste are covered with all sorts of sweet icing, which is prepared from a variety of components (fruit fillers, sugar, milk, oil, sour cream, eggs, chocolate, starch, condensed milk, cocoa) . But the main, popular and most favorite coating is chocolate glaze, which is suitable for decorating absolutely all baking options, making it sweeter, attractive and reserving a long time. Freshness of the product. Let's learn and we will learn to make a variety of chocolate glaze options at home to make your confectionery more perfect.
Rules for working with chocolate icing
You can make a chocolate glaze in a water bath with clean chocolate, adding some white chocolate or oil, but it is worth considering that such a type of coating quickly freezes, crumbs and comes only for cakes with a perfectly smooth and smooth surface. Therefore, the basis of any chocolate mixture for coating cakes, cupcakes, rolls, cookies, marshmallows, cakes, candies, eclairs, home pies are prepared from the cocoa of the product, the dry residue of which should be equal to at least 25%.
In the manufacture of chocolate glaze, you must follow certain rules:
- Covering with icing The finished product is necessary when it completely cools. If you do it "on hot wakes" - your perfect chocolate glaze will cover the unattractive cage of cracks of various depths.
- Chocolate glaze to apply in hot baking is impossible, as it simply scores on your product, spoiling its appearance.
- If you want to give your glaze glossiness - put a small piece of oil or margarine into it, if it is originally not in the original recipe.
- At the beginning of the preparation, be sure to ask for cocoa, such a simple manipulation will saturate with oxygen and makes more air.
- In order to uniformly distribute chocolate glaze on the product, pour it out all the baking center, then neatly distributing it from the center to the edges. Boca products process more thickly frozen sweet.
- The glaze prepared on the basis of the sugar powder quickly hardens.
- In order to diversify the taste of the glaze, in its composition you can add a little vanilla, mint, cinnamon or a special flavoring. Chocolate glaze perfectly harmonizes to taste with coconut chips, rum, brandy and vanilla.
- The most important rule: a chocolate glaze thickness, prepared independently, you can adjust, adding or reducing sugar, cocoa or liquid components.
Simple chocolate glaze recipe
The recipe for this type of chocolate coating is the easiest, easily memorable and taking as the basis of any other cocoa.
You will need such a composition of the products:
- 5 tbsp. l. milk (can be replaced with water), cocoa powder, sugar;
- 50 g. Creamy oil.
Cooking will not take much time and effort: in the milk melted on a slow heat in milk, a mixture of sugar and cocoa powder is falling asleep. Everything is stirred until complete dissolution and is brought to the moment of boiling.

Standard recipe for shiny chocolate glaze
To prepare the most ordinary sweets, you will need such components:
- 5 tbsp. l. natural cocoa powder;
- 3 tbsp. l. water, any alcohol and sugar powder;
- 40-50 ml of high fat cream (can be replaced by oil);
- vanilla or cinnamon;
- to improve taste and textures, glaze can be added 50-60 g of black chocolate.
In the container placed on a water bath, pour the required amount of water, pour into it a mixture of cocoa and sugar powder, stir up to complete dissolution. Then add cream, alcohol and flavoring.

Chocolate glaze on sour cream
The principle of preparation of this type of glaze is similar to the first, the only difference - sour cream is added at the very end, adjusting the consistency of the product. This type of glaze on its texture is more like cream, it has a kind of thick and special taste, by adding sour cream.
Prepare ingredients:
- 5 tbsp. l. cocoa powder;
- 4 tbsp. l. sour cream;
- 3 tbsp. l. sugar powder, water;
- flavoring.

Chocolate glaze based on condensed milk
This type of coating will be beautiful, tasty and possess glossiness. Mix and scroll through 3 tbsp. l. Creamy oil, condensed milk and cocoa powder. Heat everything on slow fire, bringing to a boil.
In order for the chocolate glaze prepared by you perfect, do not forget to strictly follow the selected recipe. Remember that the lack or oversupprance of any product can completely change the taste of the coating, and with it and decorated the dish.