How to make mastic for cake

How to make mastic for cake

Culinary mastic can turn the most ordinary cake in a real masterpiece. It can be used as glaze and sculpt interesting figures. There are many different types of mastic. Consider the most popular of them.

The simplest cooking is dairy mastic. Mix the sugar powder, dry and condensed milk in proportions 1: 1: 1. Note that the powder should be thoroughly grinding, otherwise the mastic will be inelastic. Stick up the mass until it becomes similar to the stretching gum. If you wish, you can add a food dye. When you finish disturbing, mastic will be ready. Tightly pack the mass in the food film and leave in the refrigerator for half an hour. Then pull it out, pour starch on the table and roll out the mastic in a thin layer. From it you can create beautiful elements for decoration or use as a coating. It is worth noting that the color of the milk mastic will not be snow-white, but the taste with more than compensates for a small drawback.

The recipe for gelatin mastic is more complicated, but the result will turn out to be more aesthetic. Take 2 tbsp. l. Gelatin and soak them in a saucepan with ordinary water. Leave the mixture for 2 hours. Then heat it and bring the crumbs gelatin until complete dissolution. Note that it is impossible to boil water, otherwise gelatin will lose adhesive properties and deteriorate. When the lumps are completely dissolved, add a glass of sugar powder to the composition of 2-3. Mix well. To obtain color mastic, add a food dye into it. If you use a dye in a liquid form, add another 0.5 or 1 cup of sugar powder. This is necessary for mass seal. So that it does not work out shut-sweet, add 0.5 or 1 h. L. Lemon juice. All is ready!

Masty mastic from Marshmallow (Marshmallow Air Candies) began to use very popular. Put the marshmallow (200 g) to the saucepan and add 2 tbsp. l. water. Put it for 2 minutes in the microwave oven. Please note that sweets will scatter and increase in volume twice, so pick up the dishes more. When you pull the candy, you will see the resulting massive mass. Add food dyes to it (if required) and 2 glasses of sugar powder. During its addition, it's good to interfere with the composition. If it becomes too thick, sprout the table with sugar powder, put it in there and from up, until it stops sticking. Along the same technology, you can cook with mastica.

Many people are interested in chocolate species of mastic. You will need only two ingredients - liquid honey and black or white chocolate. Melt the chocolate in the microwave oven. Per 100 g set 1 minute of time. If the chocolate was not melted to the end, repeat the procedure, and so to the desired result. Between heating, stir chocolate. He must completely worship, become smooth and brilliant. Then mix chocolate and honey in proportions 2: 1. Mix them with a spoon, and then begin to interfere with your hands. First, it will be too liquid, but as it stirms it will become thick and tight. Tear away a piece from her and try to roll in the ball. In this case, mastic is ready.

If you feel bad to create decorations for confectionery with your own hands, use the molds and cut out beautiful figures. If you can not buy molds yet, make them yourself from cardboard. For example, you can make tulips with tablespoons. Purify the inner surface of the spoon with mastic and delete too much. Then carefully remove the layer to save the form. When the petals get dry a bit, create a bud in the cake itself. You can create a whole composition of tulips. Confectioners recommend making decorations for cake 2 weeks before its manufacture. During this time, the details will have time to dry well and will keep shape.

Now you know that it is very simple to prepare suitable mastic. The finished mixture can be stored in the refrigerator or freezer not more than 3 months.

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