How to cut a cake

How to cut a cake

No festive feast is complete without a cake. It can be ordinary single -tier, multi -tiered wedding or even complex shape in the form of an animal or flower, children's. How to cut the cake so that all guests get the same tidbit?

First, let's talk about how the cake should look before cutting it. A luxurious confectionery must see all guests to admire it. Therefore, you need to cut the cake at the very end of the holiday, and until that time, let it stand on a separate tea table. Separate attention deserves the dish on which the cake will be - it should be impeccably clean and as flat as possible. If you give the guests a store cake, then first remove it from the box and transfer it to the dish.

Confectioners recommend cutting the cake with a warm knife - so you can get a beautiful glossy cut, on which all the numerous layers will be visible. Take a long and thin knife for cutting the cake, and heat it in hot water.

Cut the square or rectangular cake exactly in the middle along one side, then - exactly in the middle along the other side. Cut four square or rectangular pieces also - until you get the number of identical pieces, how many guests are sitting at the table.

Cut the round cake according to the same principle: first in exactly half, then the halves are again in half and so on until you get a lot of triangular pieces. This can clearly be seen in the presented photo, where a special template is used for cutting cakes.

The multi -tier wedding cake is cut according to the same principle as the usual round. But due to the fact that the diameters of the tiers differ from each other, then each tier must be cut into a different number of pieces. For example, the largest lower is 16 parts, the middle one is 12 parts, and the upper one is 8 parts.

It is very difficult to cut a children's cake in the form of a cartoon hero or a favorite toy car. Here you will have to attach all your skill so that each child receives a piece no less than that of a neighbor. The only thing is not to cut a fabulous cake with children. Some babies may burst into tears from why they cut off a paw or a wing - wing from a bear. Take the children active games, and at this time, take the cake to the kitchen and divide it there.

Cut the biscuit cake with an ordinary sharp knife, sandy-with a knife-saw for bread, and layered with a long thin knife with a very small notch along the edge of the blade. Different knives are needed so that pieces of cake from various doughs look appetizing and do not crumble when cutting.

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