How to cut a Beijing cabbage

How to cut a Beijing cabbage

Beijing cabbage is a relatively new vegetable for Russia, but has already gained popularity as a component of salads. Especially in the winter period, when the lack of fresh greenery is felt especially acute. However, due to the recent appearance of cabbage in our diet, many do not know how to cut it correctly.

Prepare a cutting board, a sharp knife, a deep bowl and a towel. We wash the kochan cabbage under running water, holding a narry up, having dried by a towel - paper or simple. It is not necessary to wash the cabbage, completely immersing it into the water - so it is too much like a liquid. Get rid of the upper 3-4 leaves, they can be faded and polluted and better not to eat them. With a cut of 5 cm. The bottom of the Kochan will throw it away. The rest of the leaves can either disassemble or leave in the kochene.

Cut the base

Cabbage is ready for further preparation, but it is necessary to decide what exactly you are going to do with it. If you need a cabbage for the cabbage rolls, then it should be disassembled to sheets. If you are going to salt her, then the Kochan should be cut in half, and then every half is still half. That is, only 4 equal parts. For the traditional Korean dish, Kim Chi Beijing cabbage is cut out with non-strokes, but this dish is quite complex in preparation. If the cabbage you are going to cut into a salad or soup, then you should take a shield.

Half - trim

Cabbage kochan cut along two halves. Half lay down the cut down on the cutting board and cut forward along the strips of 1-2 width. And then bold across the width that you are preferable - on the Soup sewing, on the salad. But do not bother too thin - cabbage will lose all juiciness. The same do the same with the second half.


If you cook the salad not straight to the table, but in advance, it makes sense not to cut the cabbage leaves, but to break their hands like, like a sludge salad, slices about 4 to 4 cm. Only the salad is tangled so that he does not care juits. Divide the cabbage to the leaves and folding several leaves together brush with their hands into small pieces. If you first fold the cabbage leaves into a deep bowl with water, they will retain a juiciness longer.

Digid leaves

Do not cut off the white part of the leaves - this is the most juicy part of the cabbage and it is in it the greatest stocks of trace elements. Just lie to the fond. You can use a grater, vegetable cutter, combine. And add chopped cabbage to salad.

Salad 2.

Beijing cabbage is very tasty and useful, and familiar dishes prepared with its addition will acquire a new taste. And learn how to cut it rightly quite simple, and you will quickly master this simple science.

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