How to make borsch with mushrooms

How to make borsch with mushrooms

Do you know that soup without meat is also a good thing? If not, let's get to know him closer. Today we will prepare delicious mushroom borsch.

Products will be required to this work:

  • 50g white dried mushrooms;
  • one rather damn;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • pair of potato;
  • one carrot;
  • 1/4 Fresh cabbage heads;
  • spices: salt, leaf bay, pepper, garlic and tomato paste.

Mushrooms are soaked in cool water for the night or for several hours. We rinse and clean all vegetables. Then cut straw carrots and beets, cubes - potatoes and onions. Cabbage is largely shining.

Then we install a saucepan with water on the fire, turning it into boiling water, add salt. Mushrooms are rolling, put them in boiling water and cook until soft. Then here are placing potatoes with a laurel sheet, and then cabbage. Beets languishing in a separate container on a small fire in the company with tomato paste.

While the cooking process is underway, tip in a frying pan on sunflower oil carrots and onions.

At the last stage, the finished passer and stewed beets with tomato paste determine the common pan. Then refill our borsch in taste to pepper, crushed garlic and chopped greens. Cook 10 - 15min.

Made, - Great! Now remove the saucepan from the fire and give the boors to draw at least for an hour. If desired, you can enhance the calorie content of this dish by adding pre-closed beans. This is done at the beginning of cooking. Cook plates, and pleasant appetite!

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