How to prepare cabbage for cabbage

How to prepare cabbage for cabbage

The cabbage rolls are a delicious dish of Russian cuisine, which is a minced meat, wrapped in cabbage sheets. In the finished form, this food is rather soft and gentle, but requires a solid preliminary preparation of ingredients. The most time-consuming stage is the billet of sheets. The task of the cook is to make them elastic and flexible to avoid cracks on fragile cabbage sheets and, as a result, scattering the filling. The most common methods for preparing the leaves for the Barsbar will consider in this article.

The process of preparing the cabbage to the preparation of soles begins with the acquisition of a good quality Kochan. Where you will do procurement, in a supermarket or on the market, and can cut the cabbage on your own bed - it does not matter. Much more important, what a form of vegetable. It is best for a slightly reinforced mid-size fruit, weighing up to 2 kilograms. Upper unsuitable leaves remove immediately.

Vkusniogorod, Cabbage (10)

The fastest way to prepare cabbage leaves - with the help of a microwave oven. Cut the kernel from Kochan and make notches on the leaves around the resulting hole. So the leaves will be more convenient to shoot. Place the cabbage in the microwave and on the highest power of 10 minutes bake. Then put cabbage under the rush of cold water and tear the soft sheets one by one. After removing several layers, you will notice that the Kochan "undressing" is more complicated. Then repeat the heating procedure in the microwave.

The disadvantage of this method is that when the entire Kochan is disassembled, the sheets still remain a bit hard. But this trouble is easy to correct: fold the cabbage sheets with a stack one on the other and place in the microwave oven for 5 mnut. So you will bring the wrapper of the cabbage to a completely soft and elastic state.

A more traditional way to handle cabbage is her cooking in water. Take a big saucepan, fill it with water, salt and put on fire. While the broth boils, take a whole kochan, make cuts around the perimeter of the noche. Lower the Kochan in boiling water for a few minutes, the vegetable must be completely immersed in water.

As Kochan is being found in the hot broth, the leaves will begin to get gradually separated from it. Using the fork, pull out the "open petals" out of the water and delay in another bowl. When the whole kochan is disassembled, throw it away. Return the sheets into the broth and negotiate a couple of minutes, then pull out finally and cool. The broth is better not to pour, because of it will turn out the delicious sauce for the cabbage rolls.

The following method takes the largest period of time to prepare cabbage, but it requires minimal effort to process it. Take the Kochan (the upper backpage leaves are already removed) and put it in the freezer for 12 hours. If you did it overnight, then get cabbage in the morning and defrost at room temperature. Calming cabbage becomes soft, and the leaves are removed in a matter of minutes. The only disadvantage of this method of handling cabbage for Garbage is to spend the entire Kochan immediately. After freezing / defrosting, the leaves are not suitable for other uses, except for the soles, and the storage is also not subject to.

In all the cases described above, it will be necessary to cut thick streaks with a knife, trying not to hurt the edge of the leaf itself and do not break it. If you doubt your dexterity and are afraid not to manage a knife, then take the chop hammer and light movements. This is necessary so that the sheet becomes thinner and more elastic, thereby better enveloping filling.

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