How to dilute soy sauce for sushi

How to dilute soy sauce for sushi

Soy sauce is a universal refueling for Japanese dishes. Today it is added to cook dishes around the world. To dilute the concentrated salt sauce, we need: water, sauce, sea cabbage.

Before diluted, the concentration of soy sauce should be determined. Standard sauce has an opaque dark brown rich color and a pronounced taste. Be sure to dilute it with another liquid, otherwise you will receive a saved dish.

How to dilute soy sauce

Do not dive all the sauce immediately, take only the desired part you are using for 2 days, because it can skit. Store the resulting sauce in the refrigerator in the container with the lid.

Keep sauce in the refrigerator

Break sauce with boiled cool water in proportion 1 to 1, you can add some sugar to taste.

Soy sauce you need to dilute with water

In Japan, the sauce is bred by a special decoction, which is preparing from sea cabbage - Kombu. The cabbage is boiled 2 hours on a small fire, when the broth has cooled, you need to dissolve it with soy sauce. If there is no Kombu, take the usual dry cabbage, it is more gentle, the broth is welded faster, in half an hour. On the water brush, 3-4 cabbage leaves are needed, pre-closed for several hours.

Cook Kombu Bouillon Dasi

For light concentrations, dilute 1: 2 sauce, that is, into two parts of the dasse or water broth one part of the sauce. For the original taste, some connoisseurs of sauce add sugar to it and put on a slow fire for 10 minutes. Recipe: 50 ml sauce + water 80 ml + sugar 30 g

Cook Danies Broth for soy sauce

Often, the soy sauce replaces the salt in the dish, so if you decide to use it, first add sauce to the dish, then delight.

Add sauce to dish

Kikkoman, Tabasco, Tamari, La Choy, Heinz and Sensoy are considered popular sauces. The sauce of a kicoman with a green lid weakly salted taste, it is not diluted.

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