Mussels in a creamy garlic sauce

Mussels in a creamy garlic sauce

Mollids are mollusks that contain more protein than fish and meat. That is why the product should use people with insufficient muscle mass and those who are sitting on a low-carbon diet.

There are many recipes for making mussels, but best of all they are combined with creamy sauce. To prepare a dish, it is necessary to melt butter in a pan and fry the big bulb on it. After the onions are shoved, it is necessary to pour the cream into the clarification and a little boil the sauce. Add salt and favorite herbs. Now take up mussels, it is best to purchase already purified clams. Dispose of the inhabitants of the sea, thoroughly wash and dry them. Fold mussels to ceramic vessel and pour the cooked sauce. Cover the container with foil and bake for 20 minutes. After that, remove the foil and hold the oven for another 7-10 minutes. Cream should be brown.

If you adore spicy dishes, prepare mussels in garlic sauce with cream. To do this, pour olive oil into the roar and fry 3 garlic teeth and 2 onion bulbs. After the vegetables are shred, pour the cream in the pan and negotiate a lot. Add frosthed and washed mollusks and boil for 20 minutes.

Mussels in a creamy garlic sauce

If you adore the Italian paste, then prepare it in the Mediterranean recipe. To do this, lean spaghetti and leave them. Fry on the vegetable oil onions, garlic and parsley root. After the vegetables become golden, add half a tablespoon of flour and pass a little again. Pour white wine and glass of cream. Check out a mixture of 2 minutes and add prepared seafood. Mussels are in a 15-minute sauce. Pour sauce with molluscs on spaghetti and truth with grated cheese.

Mussels in a creamy garlic sauce


  • 400 g of peeled mussels;
  • 2 bulbs;
  • 50 g of vegetable oil;
  • ½ cup of white wine;
  • a glass of 20% cream;
  • salt;
  • spices;
  • garlic;
  • parsley root;
  • spaghetti;
  • 100 g of solid cheese.

If you have single mussels, prepare them in a creamy garlic sauce with white wine. To do this, wash the seafood and remove the residues of algae. Prepare in a separate peer cream sauce. To do this, fry the onions on the oil and pour in it fat cream. Add the greenery of parsley, garlic and spices, negotiate 2 minutes. Now lay out single mussels on a baking sheet and pour sauce with each shell with a spoon. Close a sheet for baking foil and put in the oven for 20 minutes. After that, pull the seafood from the furnace and season them with white dry wine. Bake without foil for another 10 minutes, to a golden crust.

Mussels in a creamy garlic sauce

Do you expect guests and do not know what to treat them? Prepare mussels in sinks. To do this, wash the mollusks and dry them on a paper towel. In each shell, add some cream, salt, garlic and spices. Sprinkle with grated cheese on top and bake 15 minutes in a hot oven. The dish looks very beautiful, and his taste is unforgettable. Serve seafood with white wine and any garnish. The meat of these mollusks is perfectly combined with fresh vegetables, rice and corn. You can serve with macarons and baked potatoes.

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