How to pick up the arrows of garlic

How to pick up the arrows of garlic

In the season of ripening of garlic arrows, we offer to prepare a delicious dish - to pick up the arrows of garlic. It is simultaneously a salad and a tasty snack.

How to pick up the arrows of garlic - Marinade in Korean

What would you cook from the arrows of garlic? Of course, a delicious acute snack.

For the dish you will need:

  • several beams of green garlic arrows (2 or 3);
  • garlic - 3 teeth;
  • apple vinegar - 1 tsp;
  • sugar is half a teaspoon;
  • seasoning for the preparation of Korean carrots - 1 tbsp. Or can be replaced with a mixture of peppers: ground black, chili, coriander and paprika;
  • salt - to taste, can be replaced by soy sauce;
  • olive oil for roasting arrows;
  • bay leaf - 3 pcs.

We proceed to cooking:

  • Arrows need to be flushed, dry, cut on sticks, no more than 6 cm long. If buds come across, you do not need to cook. And those feathers that have grown after buds can be used to prepare other dishes.
  • Olive oil needs to warm up on a skillet and put the garlic arrows into hot oil into hot oil.
  • Fry on medium heat, in the process of roasting add salt, sugar, the bay leaf should be chopped with hands, add vinegar and seasonings. Mix. Put the salt at first less, mix, try to taste. Perhaps this will be enough. If instead of salt use soy sauce, then also start from a small amount.
  • From the moment of adding all the seasonings, it is necessary to reduce the fire and with constant stirring to continue the preparation of garlic arrows, waiting for the seasoning thickening.
  • Now you can shift the pan to add a crushed garlic (finely chop the sharp knife or skip through the press).
  • Mix garlic with a common mass, shifting the arrows of garlic to the jar.

Such an acute snack is stored in the refrigerator a few days.

How to pick up the arrows of garlic for the winter

If the shooter grown on the site a lot, then it's time to harvest them for the winter.

Prepare such ingredients:

  • garlic arrows - 350 g;
  • salt and sugar - 1 tbsp. with a slide;
  • water is 1 cup;
  • vinegar 9% - 50 ml;
  • seasoning: black peas of 5 pcs. And the bay leaf of 1 pcs. For each jar.

Marine arrows of garlics will be so:

  • Cut the arrows of garlic, immediately rinsed under the jet of cool water and cut on equal segments to fit into banks.
  • The arrows should be put in a pan, pour hot water (just boiling) and put a saucepan on the stove, turn on the fire.
  • We wait when the water starts to throw and from now on, count exactly 2 minutes.
  • Everyone, we assign towards the pan, proceed to the preparation of marinade. To each bank we put on 1 laurel leaf, 5 mines of black pepper and add sugar and salt into each jar on a tablespoon.
  • Hot water merge into a separate container, and the arrows of garlic lay in banks tightly, on "Holders", pour vinegar - 50 ml in each jar, cover with ordinary covers.
  • Now the banks must be sterilized: on the bottom of the spacious pan laying the old towel folded into several layers, we put banks, pour water the same temperature as the marinade. Pour the water in the pan, on "Holders" cans.
  • Include a slow fire, from the moment of boiling water, count 7 minutes and you can get banks to roll with covers.
  • Be careful because the banks are very hot.
  • Each jar must be rolled in advance to the lid, turn over and put on the cover, wrap. Leave to complete cooling, then you can attribute to the basement or put on the shelf in the storage room.
  • Store jars with pickled garlic arrows can also be in the refrigerator. Please note that the arrows are completely ready to use only 3 weeks later, when fully woven.

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