How to close tomatoes for the winter, recipes

How to close tomatoes for the winter, recipes

The end of August is the beginning of September - time to prepare for the winter juicy, smelling the July heat, tomatoes. By the way, in the recycled vegetables of a licopean - a substance that improves the mood is greater than in fresh tomatoes. So do not be late - Marinate, pitch salads and snacks from red and not very "gold apples."

How to close tomatoes for the winter - a simple recipe

Tomatoes in Marinada are a good addition to baked fish, chicken tails, meat assorted. Yes, and just with a hillside - yummy.

  • The three-liter bank will go - two kilograms of tomatoes, 1 tbsp. l. large salts and two sugar, 1 tbsp. l. Lemon juice. Select to choose at your discretion - dill, parsley, oak leaves, coriander, garlic, pepper.
  • In the bank lay the spices and tomatoes. Pour vegetables for 10 minutes with boiling water. When the time comes out, drain the solution into the pan, add sugar and salt, boil.
  • Tomatoes pour brine with the addition of lemon juice. Slide banks, turn up the bottom, cover with warm shoes, remove cool.

How to close tomatoes for the winter - Sweet harvesting

It will take: 2 kg of tomatoes, vintage, three multicolored peppers. 1 liter of marinade - 1 tbsp. l. Salt, 4 tbsp. l. Sahara. From greenery and spices - a pair of mint stems, three blackberry leaves, 1/2 cinnamon sticks, three carnations, two cloves of garlic.

  • Tomatoes are coating a skewer, pepper cut, grapes disassemble on berries. Make everything into banks, pour boiling water. After 5 minutes, drain the liquid, throw sugar, salt, vinegar into it, boil.
  • Fill the glass tanks with marinadas. Further by plan - covers, twist, cooling. Tomatoes will come out sweet. Serve them to roasted potatoes, flowns of fleet, buckwheat with cracker, liver pancakes.

How to close tomatoes for the winter in our own juice

For three liter banks - 2 kg of large tomatoes and 3 kg of cherry kids, 50 gr. Sugar and salt. For fragrances - slightly cinnamon, dry garlic, a piece of ginger.

Little tomatoes fold into banks, and large - cut, protubet in the saucepiece to a puree state. Push salt, sugar, spices, warm and fill tomatoes in the ground. Take the covers on the cans, sterilize 10 minutes, roll out.

How to close tomatoes for the winter - salads

Tomatoes are combined with all vegetables and croups, so the mastic hostesses make a lot of snacks of salads.

Snack with cucumbers

Cut - 1 kg of roots, tomatoes, sheltered red bow and carrots. Place the cutting into the aluminum basin, add 100 ml of sesame oil, two tablespoons of salt, sugar, vinegar and stew a quarter of an hour. Put a hot mix in banks, block.

Salad with rice

Products: rice glass, 2 kg of tomatoes, 0.5 kg - carrots, onions, sweet pepper. Salt - 2 tbsp. l., Sugar is a half-table, sunflower oil - 250 ml.

Boil the fig to half-ready. Tomatoes, pepper, onions - cut, carrots thinly tight. Mix all the ingredients and fold into the saucepan. Add 300 ml of water, boil 35 minutes. Enclose, roll, place for storage.

Acute vegetable mixture

Components: 2 kg of tomatoes and carrots, 5 pieces of Bulgarian pepper and onions, one bitter pepper, garlic head. Salts and sugar 2 tbsp. l., Lean oil is a glass.

Put chopped vegetables in the enameled container and extinguish on a small fire. After 15 minutes everything is ready. Fasuce on jars and remove the reserve.

Prepare tomatoes in the future. Provide yourself at all cold times with vitamin vegetables capable of not only to decorate any feast, improve your appetite, relieve stress, but also add a note of positive in the winter mood.

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