How to cook tomato soup

How to cook tomato soup

Of all the famous recipes with tomatoes, tomato soup is universal. It can be driven by burning hot winter with croutons and warm summer evening with a glass of white wine.

Prepare tomato soup from fresh tomato. Take: Large onions - 2 pcs., Large tomatoes - 4 pcs., Garlic - 5 teeth, olive oil - 2 tbsp., Cream 60% fat content - 3 tbsp., Tomato paste - 1 tbsp, Chicken broth - 1 tbsp., Lemon juice - 1 tsp, salt - to taste, soy sauce - 1 tbsp., Basil - 4 twigs. Wash and clean all vegetables. Grinding onions Fry with garlic on olive oil to the state of transparency. In a blender, lay the tomatoes chopped on Quaternary tomatoes, parsed onions with garlic, crushed basil, cream, tomato paste, salt, lemon juice and pour chicken broth. Grind the mixture to a puree state. Send the resulting mass into the saucepan. Closer to boiling to add soy sauce. Boil for about 7 minutes. The finished dish will remain decorated with a branch of the basil.

To prepare a soup from canned tomatoes: butter - 6 tbsp., Chopped medium-sized bulb cubes - 1 pc., Tomato juice - 1.5 liters, sliced \u200b\u200bcanned tomatoes - 800 g, sugar - 3 tbsp. , Cream 30% fatty - 1 cup, salt to taste; Black pepper - to taste, sliced \u200b\u200bparsley and basil. In the butter, fry onions before transparency. Then add canned tomatoes, tomato juice, sugar, salt and black pepper. Mix everything thoroughly. Bring to a boil and add cream. Leave tomboy on a small fire. 5 minutes before cooking add fresh greens. Adjust the seasonings. You can serve a dish with delicious grain bread.

Soup can be prepared on tomato juice. To do this, take: butter - 50 g, flour- 2 tbsp, milk - 1 cup, tomato juice - 1 l, salt - to taste, spices - to taste, cheese - for decoration. Melt the butter in a saucepan. Add 2 tablespoons of flour. Well stirring, fridge flour on slow fire. After readiness, leave the mixture to cool. In the cooled mass add tomato juice. Transfer the pan on the stove and bring tomato soup to a boil on low heat. When the soup starts to boil, pour the glass of milk and continue to cook. By the end of cooking, add salt and spices. Leave a ready-made dish to stand for 15 minutes. Sprinkle grated cheese for decoration.

Tomato Supach will decorate any meal and delight invited guests with its bright and original taste.

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