Crispy and delicious cucumbers are a dream of any mistress! But the cucumbers are pending vegetable, and requires a thorough approach. In order to roll the cucumbers in the banks correctly, you must possess some secrets.
How to close cucumbers for the winter crispy - choose cucumbers
When choosing cucumbers for canning, you need to know 3 main points:
- Cucumbers should be fresh, preferably collected on the same day. But if you buy them in the store, then pay attention to their density, they should be very strong.
- In order for you, you get a blank not only delicious, but also beautiful, the vegetable must have the right shape - without bends and twisting.
- The perfect size for salting from 5 to 12 cm.
How to close cucumbers for the winter crispy - the best varieties
- Salt.
- Nezhinsky.
- Zozulu.
- Coastal.
- Zyttek F1.
To salmon crispy cucumbers need
- Cucumbers - 2.5 kg.
- Sugar - 3 tablespoons.
- Salt - 2 tablespoons.
- Black peas - 7 pieces.
- Garlic - no more than 4 teeth, the overabundance of garlic gives lethargy and flabbing cucumbers.
- Khrena leaf - 1 large leaf.
- Currant leaves, cherries, raspberries - 4 pieces.
- Dill - 3 umbrellas.
- Acetic essence - 2 tablespoons.
- 5 glasses of boiled hot water.
The method of cooking crispy cucumbers
- Sterilize the jar and put water into the tile in a saucepan for the cucumber bay.
- Start alternately to lay out all the ingredients in a vertical position - a layer of cucumbers, between them 1 garlic clove and a couple of cherry leaves, with a sheet of currants. The next layer is cucumbers, between them, the leaves of the cherry and raspberry, with peas pepper and umbrella umbrella. Continue so fully filling the bank.
- At this time, water should be boiling in a saucepan, remove from the tiles and immediately pour it into the jar, only very carefully so that the can is not cracked.
- Cover the lid and leave for 2 hours.
- After two hours, slate the brine from the bank again into the pan and boil. Immediately, how to boil, pour water, add vinegar and roll.
Our cucumbers are ready! You can eat them in 2 months, as it will finally besprayed. Bon Appetit!
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