How to salt cucumbers to be crispy

How to salt cucumbers to be crispy

People, which not experienced with salting cucumbers on winter, think, what this is very simply. But for  cooking  this snacks need special talent and flair. Necessary right select cucumbers, choose the correct proportions  spice. AND main secret receipt crunchy cucumbers is v volume, what front process seaming necessary place fruit on several hours v water. Cucumbers get rid  from nitrates and engorged  water, as if freshen up, they getcrunchy properties. The study and compliance these tricks will allow receive tasty product. AND  crunchy salt cucumbers will be please you on table on length all winter.

1) How to pickle cucumbers that were crispy - m amine recipe

For brine on  bottle with capacity v 3 liter  would need 1 l. water, one and a half spoon sololi.several pieces garlic, which lay out on most bottom.

At first necessary prepare cucumbers, for of this necessary leave their v water on several hours. Later lay out product v capacity, pour cooked in advance brinev which the  necessary add dill, leaves currant, khrena  and cherry, after of this close bank and set out her.
Laying several days will go process fermentation, this is can will see on bloated plastic covers. For receipt crunchy cucumbers, necessary to give log off assembled air. Then across day lid again close and place bank v cellar or fridge. it recipe will allow stay cucumbers crunchy.

2) Cold way pickling Cucumbers v package with adding aspirin

pickling v package with adding aspirin is an most fast way cooking. Laying 8 hours Cucumbers can use, but receivedfruit not intended for durable storage.
Front cooking necessary slice 1, 5 kg cucumbers on halves. place their v polyethylene plastic bag and add there 2 spoon sololi., greens, sheet khrena, table spoon grains mustard, 8 goroshin fragrant pepper, several sheets sorrel and currant. Everything this is thoroughly mix and add crushed aspirin. Plastic bag tie and yet once shake. remove item aketi v fridge. Thanks to aspirin, time cooking very small. For pickling recommended apply only ordinary salt. Instead of package  can use container from  plastic.

3) dry pickling Cucumbers v own juice

For cooking need 1,5 kg cucumbers, which necessary place v bank. Also there send 2 spoon sololi., 2 wave garlic, 2 spoon powder mustard, greens. Add cucumbers necessary before those then, while fruit not will juice. Taste dry salted similar with those, which marinated v package. But on cause tightness, such fruit can keep on length all winter. For more quantity juice can rub pair cucumbers on terek.. Adjika present aroma, a pepper chile dast mortginka.

4Cucumbers onbulgarian

Method soletia. suitable lovers crunchy and sharp snack. On length long years this recipe remains favorite delicacy many gourmet. V lithric bank add 4 rings luke, paul tea spoon goroshin mustard and pepper. Later put spoon sololi., 2 spoon sahara and 5 spoon vinegar. Then tight lay down cucumbers v bank and over lay down dill. After of this pour brine, cover lid and put v deep capacity, which necessary pour cold waterso, to they touch. Put on fire and bring before boiling. After of this to give banks coolet, turning their.

5) Quashen cucumbers

Consider most old recipe crunchy cucumbersthis is salting v barrel. For of this need yet and apples. V oak barrel v 3 layers lay out spicy grass and various leaves. it bottom barrels, mid. and over vegetables. For 10 l. water need 800 g sololi.. Lay out cucumbers necessary on queues with apples. Then pour brine and cover marley, put under oppression. Plus temperature leads to process fermentation. Perfect counts  temperature v limits from 0 and before +6° WITH.

Can add v barrel any vegetables, for example, cabbush, cook and patchsons. Exclude probability appearance mold can, if fall asleep mustard powder. Taste bockov cucumbers not will too much pedrene, such way cooking vegetables not annoys system digestion.

Everything the above methods let me young hospipes salt cucumbers so, to they remained crunchy and fragrant. Now fruit will be crunch in rTU and bring mass positive emotions.

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