How to salute mushrooms

How to salute mushrooms

Solving is a good way to keep the quality and taste of mushrooms for a long time. Mushrooms canned in this way will serve as an excellent treat for a holiday and delicacy in a simple weekday, since then they can be failed, to cook the fragrant soup and even pick up. The main rule in the salting is to comply with all the conditions of the process, since the safety of the dish depends on it. Mushrooms in any form with improper preparation can lead to poisoning.

How to salute mushrooms. Methods of solvent

  • There are two basic singing methods: cold and hot.
  • The longest way is the cold salting. It takes up to 2 months and lies in pre-soaking, and, different types of fungi require different times for this. After soaking, you should float the mushrooms with salt and put them under load. Gudget, waves and raw materials are solid with a cold way.
  • Wood, porks and boulders are arched exclusively by the hot method so as not to get poisoning. Also, this method is good for the rest of the fungi, including with bitter juice. Any noble mushrooms are salted by the hot method, which means their pre-cooking. The essence of the method is that mushrooms should be pouring with hot brine and leave in such a state at a certain time, and after canvate.
  • There is a dry method suitable for salting of raw materials and rhymes. The essence of the method in the preliminary drying of mushrooms to remove juice. The dried mushrooms fall asleep with salt and are left in this form for a long time. After put in a dry form in the jar and closed it tightly.

How to salute mushrooms. Cold method

  • Before solenia, any method should be carefully and properly prepared mushrooms. Rinse well, clean and cut all the dirt.
  • Clean mushrooms then need to soak in cold running water. Pogbestos, White, Grids, Raw and Champignon, enough time from 12 to 24 hours. Black groove and Gorkushki are soaked 4-5 days. It is necessary to change the water every 3 hours and keep the mushrooms in a cool place.
  • Then you should chop mushrooms. Sydly salts, pre-removing legs, the rims are suitable for salting with legs and without them. The remaining mushrooms, if they are large, cut into pieces, no more than 6 cm.
  • Prepare clean, enamelled or glassware.
  • At the bottom of the tank, put the following ingredients: a few twigs of dill, leaflets of a cherry tree, a blastmorerodein bush and a couple of chrine leaves. Stay everything so that the bottom is completely covered with greens. Flip the salt layer from above.
  • A spicy pillow is laying out pre-prepared mushrooms, laying them on the hats. Put several layers of mushrooms, not more than 6 cm in thickness.
  • At the first layer of mushrooms, the salt and spices fall asleep.
  • Salt is placed at the rate of 50 grams per 1 kg of mushrooms.
  • The bay leaf, black fragrant peas, carnation is used as spices.
  • The layers of mushrooms and spices continue to lay down to the top of the tank. The most recent layer sprinkled again with spices.
  • The filled container is covered with cloth or napkin, then put the cover with a handle or a wooden circle. Next you need to press all over the load.
  • After some time, the mass in the container will begin to settle, which means that new layers of mushrooms and spices should be given until the container is filled with the top.
  • In such a form, saline mushrooms hold 1.5 - 2 months, after which they can be used immediately or put on banks.

How to salute mushrooms. Hot method

  • Actions with hot salts and cold similar: mushrooms sort, clean and cut. Just before the rest is required to boil mushrooms.
  • For cooking, you will need the following: 1 kg of prepared mushrooms, a pair of black pepper pieces, a bay leaf, 2 tbsp. Salt spoons, a couple of currant leaves and dried carnations.
  • Water poured into the pan and fold the necessary ingredients, fell half an hour and remove the mushrooms. Mushrooms need to be rinsed under water and put on a colander to dry a little.
  • Then the time of the salmon occurs the same way as on the cold method technology. The layers of mushrooms and spicy spices fill the container, cover with a cloth, lid, cargo and assign in a cold place.
  • With a hot making method of mushrooms, their readiness comes in a few days.

To eat in winter appetizing salted mushrooms - a pleasure. It is enough to prepare and decompose them in a saucepan - then mushrooms and spices will do everything for you. Bon Appetit!

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