How to salt Ryzhiki

How to salt Ryzhiki

Salted mushrooms are one of the most delicious dishes that can be put on any table. As a rule, they are solid and marinate. Many choose the first way, since with such a processing of mushrooms they retain more taste. Saline mushrooms are stored in a cool and dark place, since in a warm place they will quickly ruin.

How to salt the rims - fast method

In order to try saline rims, you do not need to wait long. You can try to pickle the rims quickly. So they will turn out no less delicious. They can be used throughout the week after singing. Keep mushrooms need in a cool place.

What is needed for the preparation of fries by the rapid method:

  • Fresh fries 5 kg.
  • Salt 200 gr.
  • Stalks of dill.
  • Bay leaf 10 gr.
  • Pepper peas 30 gr.
  • Vegetable oil to taste.


  • First of all, you need to prepare mushrooms. To do this, we clean them and rinse with cold water, then we clean the mushrooms from the dirt. It is best to take the mushrooms of the same size, so they better spray and get more delicious.
  • We take the appropriate container and spread the rhymes down the hats down. Sprinkle with salt and spices mushrooms.
  • Leave the mushrooms for a few minutes in the capersion containers. During this time, the mushrooms will give juice. Immediately after the mushrooms are covered with the resulting brine, it will be possible to leave them for 2 hours and only after that serve to the table.
  • Finished rhyge needs to be rinsed with cool water and fill with vegetable oil.

Soldering Ryzhkov Cold

A cold way to salts of the Ryzhikov is suitable for just collected mushrooms. So they will turn out more delicious and retain the maximum of vitamins. For such a way of salting, medium-sized mushrooms are perfect.

What you need to salting the rhymes with a cold way:

  • Ryzhikov 1 kg.
  • Large salt 50-60 gr.
  • Currant leaves 5-7 pcs.
  • Bay leaf 10 pcs.
  • Easy pepper 10 pcs.


  • At the bottom of the tanks for the salting laying the leaves of the currant, the bay leaf and some black pepper pepper. Then we sprinkle all the salt and put a part of the rhyge.
  • Sprinkle with salt and spices mushrooms, then lay out the rims. On top of all layers laying currant leaves.
  • Cover the last layer of gauze and on top to put the oppression to which the load should be installed. They can be like a regular can with water and stone.
  • Leave mushrooms in a dark and cool place for a month. After that, the rods can be served to the table.


Soldering Ryzhik Hot

The redheads cooked by the hot way are stored much longer than mushrooms cooked by in other ways. The reason is the method of their processing and suping. Mushrooms are suitable for salting.

What you need to prepare a red hot way:

  • Ryzhikov 1 kg.
  • Large salt 50-70 gr.
  • Khrena root.
  • Garlic 2-3 slices.
  • Currant leaves.
  • Bay leaf.


  • We prepare the rims. To do this, they need to be cleared and remove all the dirt. Then we rinse the mushrooms with water and let them succe.
  • Pour mushrooms with water and put them on fire. We bring water before boiling and cook about 3 minutes. Then overturn them on the colander and let them cool.
  • Prepare the root of Khrena. To do this, cut it with narrow and small stripes.
  • In the finished container for insolence on the bottom lay out part of the mushrooms with the hats up. The layer of mushrooms need to sprinkle with salt and spices. After that, you can lay out the layer of fungi and sprinkle with salt and spices on top.
  • On the top of the top layer lay out the clean napkin and put the oppression.
  • We put the container with mushrooms in a cool place.
  • A month later, you can shift mushrooms into pure sterilized storage banks.

Soldering of Ryzhikov is one of the most famous ways to process these mushrooms. With fairly simple treatment, they will turn out tasty and fragrant. Recipes considered will save the whole taste and maximum vitamins of these mushrooms.

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