How to solit the waves with a cold way

How to solit the waves with a cold way

Waves (Volzhanki, Wrusts, Volwanka) are conditionally edible mushrooms, but with proper cooking become a delicacy, eclipse ingenic spreads on the festive table. And if you were lucky enough to pick up the bucket of these pink in the birch transfer, with a shaggy hats of mushrooms, they certainly sleep them with a cold way, ensuring an excellent snack.

How to Solish Waves With Cold Fit - Preparation

Harvested the waves at home is quite simple, the main thing is to do according to the rules.

  • Bring mushrooms, cleaning them from twigs, sand, garbage.
  • Rinse each in running water and clean with a toothbrush or byprochoy washcloth.
  • In a tight pan or pelvis, fold clean the hairstyles and fill with cold water, taking 1 liter of water - 0.5 tbsp. l. Salt. The solution should cover mushrooms with head.

Out the volzhanki for two days, changing water every six hours. After the time, rinse the mushrooms from the mucus under the crane of the piece.

How to solit the waves with a cold way in a barrel

Solo mushrooms are better in small oak personnel or barrels, as the tannin is a natural antibacterial substance contained in oak, will not give mold to form. Pour a barrel with juniper twigs for an hour - and can be shed. Such an option is suitable for the village house when the blanks are stored in the cellar.

Per 1 kg of mushrooms will be needed - 2 tbsp. l. Large salt. Spices - 10 peas of black pepper, dill, oak leaves, cherries, currants - in hand.

  • Lay out the waves with hats down in the football layers. Each layer is moving with spices and salt. So do to the top of the tank.
  • After the ambulance, cover the mushrooms with the leaves of Khrena, then a piece of linen rag, jumping it tightly around the walls of the tub. Put the wooden circle and cargo. As the oppression, take the washed stone-naked or three-liter jar with water. Top to cover this facility of gauze and put it in a cool place.
  • After two days, check - mushrooms must give juice and settle. Remove the load. In order to avoid mold, remove, rinse in the water, again lay a rag and put the oppression.

After a month and a half the Solon is ready. Serve it to meat dishes, boiled macarons, use as a filling for dumplings and potato casserole.

How to solit the waves with a cold way in banks

If you live in the city, then sleep the died volzhanks in a saucepan, and then put them into banks and store them on the balcony or in the refrigerator.

You need: Pack of salt waves, half-liter clean, dry cans, spices, iron lids.

  • In each jar, filled with volventns, put three pieces of fragrant pepper.
  • Brine from mushrooms boil, and fill it with a wave, add 0.5 h. vinegar.
  • Cover the cans with metal covers, put in a container with water, sterilize a quarter of an hour. Then remove, block, turn over and leave before cooling.

Such mushrooms are tasty in a soup on a beef broth, vegetable salad, saltkee or simply fried on lean oil.

How to Solish Waves With Cold Way - Alternative

Waves are very tasty in salt and pickled form, but having passed such processing, become gray. Add carrots, Bulgarian pepper into mushrooms to mushrooms, and these bright splashes will give delicious mushrooms appetizing color.

Per 1 kg of waves - 1 liter of water, 1 tbsp. l. Sugar and vinegar, 2 tbsp. l. Salt. Carrots, onions, pepper - one thing. Seasonings - carnations, pepper, garlic - to taste. Let's notify immediately that we are preparing the wounded volzhanki.

Pour water into the saucepan, pour salt, spices, boil three minutes. Put the sliced \u200b\u200bvegetables and the waves. Boil 15 minutes on weak heat, pour vinegar. Remove, spread mushrooms together with liquid into the cans on the shoulders, close hermetically. After 30 days, remove the sample.

Cook the waves for the winter - and unexpected guests are not terrible, it is only worth opening a jar with mushrooms, put them in a bright bowl, pour oil - and a snack is ready.

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