How to solit watermelons

How to solit watermelons

You still do not know about such a tasty dish, like salty watermelons? You lost a lot, watermelons in salt form are perfect for a holiday or as a snack for lunch. They are solid in barrels or banks, integer or pieces - to all your desire. Top up a notebook with a wonderful recipe, and the cellar is a delicious workpiece.

Choose watermelons for salting

For pickles, choose red, fine-skinned, not surpassed watermelons. Very ripe berries in the bed will come out tasteless and slippery to the touch. Do not buy damaged and very large melting crops. Well, if you grow watermelons on your summer cottage, there are no harmful nitrates. It is best for salting to fit watermelons with a dense pulp of pink color. The crumbly flesh is unsuitable for the workpiece for the winter. The ideal option is a melting culture weighing no more than two kilograms. Barrelt Solon spend in September, upon the occurrence of coolness. In the heat it is difficult to achieve the desired temperature for fermentation.

We are preparing to salting watermelons

Prepare for Sling:

  • wash watermelons with warm water;
  • cut the circles from them from the sides of the inflorescence until the meakty appears;
  • on the washed watermelons, make a few punctures sharp wooden stick or needle. It is necessary then if you saline the bachelor culture entirely. Plugs improve the pickup of the brine inside the watermelon. Plug the points of punctures symmetrically;
  • for pickles in banks, cut the watermelon with smooth circles with a thickness of 15-20 mm. Cut the circles to the parts to get into the jar;
  • prepare banks or barrels for the workpiece. Bars rinse with food soda and sterilize for a couple of 10 minutes. Well wash the barrel scold with boiling water.

Solim Watermelons in Barrel

Prepare watermelons of a small amount. Place them into a clean barrel. Well, if the barrel is wooden. If not found - plastic containers are suitable. Make a brine in advance by one of the following methods:

  • on 10 liters of cold water, take 400 g of a large salt and 1.2 kg of sugar. Dissolve the nutritional components in the water, pour watermelon brine, laid in container. According to this recipe, get a sweet-salty taste of ready-made melting crops;
  • on 10 liters of cold water, take 700 g of a large salt. The brine is pouring watermelons, in the finished form they will be salted. The brine should cover the messenger cultures in the package completely;
  • cover watermelons in a barrel of pure gauze or a segment of the fabric;
  • from above on the fabric, place the oppression - a small bucket with water, a stone or something like that.

Leave the container with watermelons in the apartment for three days, then take it out in the cellar. Three or four weeks try tasty dish.

Solim watermelons in banks

The process of salting of mudflower culture in the bank will take no more than 30 minutes. Prepare:

  • 3 l boiled water;
  • watermelon weighing up to 10 kg;
  • 3 tbsp. Sugar spoons;
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of large salts;
  • 3 tbsp. Spoons of vinegar.

Watermelon sliced \u200b\u200bwith circles evenly place in prepared three-liter banks. Write brine:

  • pour water in a pan and pour salt;
  • boil a salty solution of 10 minutes;
  • profile brine over a gauze folded in four layers;
  • again boil the brine and add vinegar. Then another picking up it;
  • boil the brine for the last time with the addition of sugar;
  • run away brines in jars with watermelons and tighten them with covers;
  • turn the banks upside down and place in the designated place. Take them with warm cloth and do not touch until you get cold.

Place the workpiece for storage in a cold dark place, best - in the cellar. You can store salted watermelons in banks and at home, but pre-sterilize the workpiece at a temperature of 100 degrees. If you do not do so, the covers on the banks swell and watermelons will disappear.

Salted watermelons please the pleasant aroma and delightful taste. Any recipe you can upgrade. Add different spices, herbs and spices - they will become an ideal addition and give the pickup new flavoring notes.

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