How to salute Gorbuha

How to salute Gorbuha

Without a salty humpback, no festive table is required. You will not find well-caught and high-quality seabed in stores. Try to pickle it on your own - dry salting or in brine. Observe all the rules presented in our article, and on your desk will always be delicious delicacy.

We prepare the pump to the saline

The delicious delicacy will come out of the fresh humpback, but try to find her in stores. We use frozen fish, if no one caught and did not bring fresh. Give it to waste before the salting, but do not put in the microwave and hot water. Put the fish on a plate on the bottom shelf in the refrigerator. Next, your actions are as follows:

  • wash fish under running water;
  • clean from scales, remove the fins, tail and cut off your head;
  • take out the insides of the humpback and rinse well again. Remove the insides of a slightly frozen fish. Dirt in the kitchen will be less and do it easier;
  • remove the ridge and bone. Get fillets and proceed to salting.

If the recipe you need to remove the skin from the fish - remove. To mess around less - buy fish without head and stubborn, but its price is more expensive.

Solim Gorbouusa - Dry Sling

The simplest method, for cooking spend no more than 20 minutes. Prepare fish about 1 kg and 3 tbsp. Spoons of salt and sugar. Process dry salting:

  • after preparing the fish you will have two fillets with skin. Skin with fish do not cut off. Cut the fish fillet in half, on the pieces or leave integers;
  • in a separate ass, stir salt with sugar;
  • open the mixture with a mixture of pink salts from the side of its meat, not from the skins;
  • put in a prepared container or a leather tray down. Salt residues with sugar pour out fish. You can wrap saline fish pieces into a napkin and put in a glass judge or a saucepan;
  • remove the fish in the fridge exactly one day. Ready fish for juiciness lubricate vegetable oil.

Solim Gorbushu in the brine

When salting this method will get a fragrant fish. Prepare:

  • pink salmon average value;
  • 1 liter water;
  • 3 tbsp. of salt;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon dry mustard;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar;
  • 10 peas of black pepper and bay leaf.

SPLIT prepared pink salmon fillet. Sandpaper to remove the fish. Each fillet, cut into pieces. Mix for the preparation of brine in the salt water, mustard, sugar. In the water drop peas and bay leaf. Put the brine on the stove in a pot, let boil and cool to room temperature.

Cooled down with brine fill the fish in a bowl, cover with a lid and put in the fridge to marinate. It is advisable to use a small weight, it will help to immerse the fish in the brine and prosolitsya evenly. 8-12 hours, try what you have got. Do not hold fish for more than three days in the brine. Put pink salmon in a clean container and pour vegetable oil. Before use, the fish slices wipe with a paper towel.

Solim pink salmon - the original recipe with oranges

Salted salmon with oranges or tangerines will tender and juicy, tastes like salmon. Use it for sandwiches. Prepare 2 large or 4 medium orange tangerine, 2 fillets of fish and salt. Salt can pink salmon skinless or her. Recipe:

  • wash the fish fillet and dry wipes;
  • from citrus peel skin, divide into slices and each slice cut transversely into pieces of 5 mm;
  • at the bottom of selected dishes, place a piece of fish, sprinkle with salt, and place it on the half cut oranges. On top of the oranges put another piece of salmon, sprinkle liberally with salt, and place the remaining citrus.

Close to the fish pot lid tightly and place in 24 hours in the refrigerator. Under the influence of salt released oranges juice, and fish will turn out flavorful and delicious.

If you got salmon salty - do not worry. Soak the slices of fresh milk for a couple of hours, wipe dry, brush with butter and serve lunch. In any case, you will have the best salted fish shops. It can be eaten as a separate dish, or make sandwiches.

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