How delicious saline herring

How delicious saline herring

The time of deficiency, and a salty herd, even chopped into pieces, can be purchased at any grocery store. But the herring of a home ambulance surpasses shopping qualities.

Choose a herring for salting. If you are not a fisherman and you will do it in the store, choose large carcasses, without rusty spots and damage. Holiday herring can also be patched, but it must be predetermined to -18 degrees. It is necessary in order to kill possible parasites. Shopping frozen herring in this regard is safer - the product is tested before entering the sale and exposed to a shock freezing in production.


Prepare carcond carcass to the salmon: defrost in the refrigeration chamber, that is, slowly, without hovering the events. Rinse well under running water and dried with a paper or ordinary towel. Fold into a plastic container with a lid that closes tightly.


Prepare a tuzluk for a sledglass. On a liter of water - take good filtered water - 5 tbsp. Salt, 2 tbsp. Sahara. Seasonings: bay leaf, peas pepper, carnation, mayoran, basil, ginger. In an enamelled saucepan, heat the water, bringing to a boil, throw the spices and boil minutes 5. Then you can leave cool to room temperature.

Fill the herring to the tuzluk, close the container with the lid and leave on the table at room temperature for 4-5 hours. Fish must be fully immersed in Tuzluk. At the same time, it is better not to use: fish, saline under the oppression, tougher than salty without it. Then remove the container with herring in the refrigerator for 4 days. After this time, pull out a salted herring, wash the paper towel. Store in the refrigerator no more than a day, in the freezer - no more than 5 days, tightly packed in the package without air access.


Painted and shaped herring is best pouring oil and leave in the refrigerator to a couple of hours. If you wish to the oil, you can add mustard, mayonnaise or spices.


Having learned to salt herring at home, you will receive a guaranteed fresh product with the taste qualities that you can pick up individually under your tastes. In addition, it will not be guaranteed any preservatives and taste amplifiers.

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