How to freeze mushrooms

How to freeze mushrooms

In order to do not buy mushrooms in the store in the store, which at this time are very expensive, you can freeze them from autumn yourself. All mushrooms are suitable for freezing, and freezing rules for them are the same.

Best for bookmarking in the freezer fit young mushrooms, who themselves are small and drumming. Such mushrooms can be frozen without pre-thermal processing. If autumn collected or bought large, then they are better to boil better.

Any mushrooms before frost clean from garbage and dirt. To do this, use a sharp thin knife and a soft brush. Knife gently cut all the damaged places and the tip of the leg, on which there are usually remnants of the Earth. Brush with mushrooms. Slimming all dust and dirt. If the mushrooms are very contaminated, wash them in running water and immediately dry with a paper towel. Do not put them for washing in a bowl with water - they will be poisoned by moisture, which will then turn into ice.

Clean dry mushrooms decompose on flat plates or cutting boards and send them to the freezer. Well, if there is a function of the "fast freezing" function in the refrigerator, then the mushrooms will be frozen very quickly. If it is not, then put in the freezer in small portions so that they manage to quickly freeze and with the standard operation of the refrigerator. Mushrooms before freezing can be divided into parts - Hats and legs. Then the frozen lay them out according to different packages so that in winter in dishes to use different components: the hats can be stuffed, and put the legs on the caviar.

When mushrooms are frozen on plates or boards, remove the dishes from the freezer and remove the mushrooms from it. Now very quickly spread the frozen mushrooms on polyethylene packages and tie them. Excellent for these purposes are special packages for freezing, which have fasteners in the form of a runner. They are 0.5, 1, 1.5 and 2 liters. In packages, overlap so many mushrooms as it may be needed in the future for one cooking. Plastic food containers are suitable for storing mushrooms.

Large copies of mushrooms before freezing is better to boil. Clear them into pieces, and then lower it in boiling water for 5-7 minutes. After that, lean on the sieve and give them well drain. Further frost in the same way as described above.

Delicious winter in dishes are frozen mushrooms, pre-roasted. For this, fresh mushrooms fry in a frying pan to a ruddy crust. Solo, pepper and add onions and garlic in them and garlic. Just only a few spoons of vegetable oil. Roasted mushrooms are better freezing in containers and even without prior folding on a cutting board.

Defront mushrooms on the roof of the refrigerator. To do this, get a package of freezer, put the mushrooms into a deep bowl and leave it in the fridge for the night. With this form, the defrost mushrooms will be almost like fresh. From them in winter, cook any dishes that you make from fresh mushrooms. If you have defused mushrooms, previously boiled, then the second time they do not need to cook. If they are not subjected to pre-heat treatment, then after defrosting, it is necessary to boil them. This is especially true of forest species that have properties to accumulate toxins and heavy metals.

With frozen mushrooms, you can cook soups, stews, pies and pizza. One should only remember one rule - to store them in the freezer need no more than 3-4 months, i.e. For winter, all mushroom freezing must be used.

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