How to dry mushrooms

How to dry mushrooms

Preservation is not the only way to store mushrooms. If you dry mushrooms and later prepare soup from them, you will become a real fan of this method. There are many different ways to rush mushrooms.

To begin with, you should prepare mushrooms. All kinds will suit, but tubular have more pleasant taste. These are brewer, booms and white mushrooms. Plate species can be patched. These include raw, whatever, chanterelles and rims. Remove from the surface of the leaves, the earth and the rest of the garbage. Cut spoiled parts. Large large mushrooms on the same parts, and small - dry in a holistic form.

One of the methods is to dry mushrooms in the oven. Shipped sheet foil or cardboard paper. Place the mushrooms on it with one layer so that they do not touch each other. Preheat oven to 45 ° C and put a sheet there. When the mushrooms begin to push, increase the temperature by 20-30 ° C and wait for a complete drying. Periodically pull the sheet out of the oven for 10 minutes. During the drying, the oven door must remain ajar.

You can put mushrooms in the sun. Wait for dry and warm weather. Find a room that is easily ventilated. For these purposes, a balcony or attic will be perfect. Mushrooms secure on a thread with a thick needle. Post them to dry in this form for two or three days. You can also put mushrooms on paper or fabric and leave them in the sun. If the next day the weather is spoiled, just to dry them in the oven.

Some people are more convenient to perform drying in a Russian oven. First, bring the stove in order - remove the ash from there, coals and other trash. Mushrooms spread on the counter. For good drying, it is very important to adhere to the temperature from 60 ° C to 70 ° C. Gently disappear with mushrooms in the stove. Pre-establish bricks for them. At the beginning of the drying, the furnace damper must be ajar, but as the fungi suits should close it more and more. Watch the mushrooms all the time and pull out ready-made.

For drying mushrooms is ideal for electric dryers. The device is intended for zasushivaniya different vegetables and fruits. The method is the most convenient and easy, so in recent years is gaining popularity. The device has a plurality of rows. In each of them put on one layer of mushrooms. Turn dryer and wait for the final result. It takes 7 to 10 hours. In this case, zasushivanie will be perfect.

Well dried mushrooms have to bend a little and at the same spring. If they bend suspiciously easy - means dosushit not to the end and during storage may deteriorate. Strongly-dried mushrooms are brittle and fragile. If you end up with such a result, do not worry - make of them mushroom powder. Dried mushrooms should be stored in glass jars or boxes made of cardboard. Pick up for this room with ventilation.

As you have seen, dried mushrooms is quite simple. If you've never done it and are afraid to spoil them, try to dry the small portion. Just a little practice - and you will become a true master of zasushivaniyu mushrooms!

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