How to grow milk mushroom

How to grow milk mushroom

Milk mushroom (dairy Tibetan mushroom, kefir mushroom) - one of the varieties of healing bacteria, which not only helps to recover the body after taking antibiotics, but also removes suspended particles from the body, rejuvenates the skin, improves the condition of the hair, has a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora. This wonderful mushroom is easy to grow at home.

To care for the dairy Tibetan mushroom, you will need a glass bank and a plastic sieve with fine holes (from contact with a metallic sieve is the likelihood that the mushroom is sick).

Pol-liter bank is suitable for the growth and development of the mushroom. Put 2 tsp in it Milk mushroom, pour milk and put the jar in a dark place, the temperature should be room. The rival will take about a day.

Useful kefir is filtering through a sieve, constantly stirring with a wooden spoon. We try not to damage mushrooms. Useful kefir is ready to eat.

Milk mushroom, without removing out of sieve, rinse carefully with a mucus and kefir. We see the snow-white dense coaral shape calves - it means that the mushroom is healthy. We post them into a clean bank, pour milk. I throw up the pop-up fungi - they served their own. The bank is covering gauze so that the mushroom is breathing, and at the same time dust and litter did not fall on it. Bathing Tibetan dairy mushroom is preferably every day. If the kefir has not yet been used, and behind the milk to go to the store there is no possibility, a mushroom, filled with milk, put in a refrigerator for 2 days. So the fermentation process will slow down and the mushroom will not deteriorate.

Kefir mushroom is quite capricious and pick up: if you do not clean the mushroom in time, it will change my color to brown and loss the healing properties. Milk, dumbfounded with a darkened mushroom, is categorically impossible to drink - possibly poisoning. Useful high-quality drink is produced only with a healthy pure white mushroom, without mucus and darkening on the surface.

After a day, we jerk kefir again, we rinse the mushroom, my jar and pour a kefir mushroom with fresh noncompted milk. For the preparation of kefir, both a cow and goat milk will suit. The fatty milk, the faster the mushroom grows and shares. With caution, we use shop milk: restored or soybean long-term storage milk - milk mushroom can get sick, to be covered with mucus and milk will acquire an unpleasant smell.

If there is no possibility for a long time to care for dairy fungus, put the washed mushroom into a three-liter jar, pour 1.5 l of fresh milk, add a maximum of 1 l of clean water. We put the jar in a dark place. The mushroom will wait for us safe and preservation and will prepare us a few portions of the healing drink.

Milk Tibetan mushroom, like any living organism, requires care and care, for this he will thank you with the best kefir, which in the store can not buy. Of course, to contain a mushroom - the thing is troublesome, but for the sake of the health of relatives and loved ones, it is possible and soaked.

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