As a blender to make a milk cocktail

As a blender to make a milk cocktail

Milk cocktail is a favorite delicacy of children, which is characterized by a saturated creamy taste. When preparing this drink, you must use a special technique. In this article we will tell you how to prepare a milkshake in a blender.

First, cool the milk, its temperature should be + 5-7 ° C. Do not overeat liquid, otherwise it will not give a magnificent and stable foam. Pour fluid into a blender and add ice cream. Pour a bit of vanilla sugar. For the preparation of the beverage requires 1 l of milk, 300 g of a cream ice cream and a bag of vanilla sugar. If it seems to you that the delicacy is not sufficient enough, sweeten it. This is the simplest recipe for making a milk cocktail.

To prepare a drink with a fruit filler, you can use puree from fresh fruit or syrup. If you do not have these products, add strawberry or crimson jam to milk. In this case, try to pour quite some sugar. For the preparation of a banana cocktail, scroll into a blender 2 banana in a puree. After that, pour milk and add ice cream. Beach again on large turns so that the mass become air.

If you are on a diet, instead of milk, use low-fat yogurt or kefir. To prepare a milk low-calorie cocktail, you will need:

  • half-liter of non-fat kefir;
  • 150 g seal;
  • 1 tbsp. Sugar spoon;
  • handful of favorite berries.

As a blender to make a milk cocktail

All ingredients fold into the bowl of the blender and beat 2 minutes. A foam must form on the surface of the mass. Boil the drink on the cups and decorate it with strawberry berries. If you are preparing a delicacy for a children's holiday, then steal the cups with tinted sugar. To do this, pour a little beet juice on sugar and let him dry. Immerse the glass in a water saucer, and then in pink sugar. Pour the drink in the tank and insert the tubes.

As a blender to make a milk cocktail

Want to cook light dinner? Then try the milk cocktail with cottage cheese. In a cup of blender, pour a handful of favorite berries and one banana. Distribute fruit in mashed potatoes and add 200 g of low-fat curd. Turn the blender for 2 minutes again. After that, pour into the cup of 500 g of milk and pour sugar. While getting a little bit to get a thick and lush mass.

Do not know what to have breakfast? Prepare a milk cocktail with oatmeal and cereals. Grind the handful of peeled walnuts and 2 tablespoons of oat flakes. Add 200 g of seal and 500 ml of milk to the resulting powder. If the delicacy seems to you unsweetened, pour sugar. Turn on the blender and take 2-3 minutes. This drink can be considered a full-fledged breakfast, which contains a lot of protein and charges energy until the next meal. Such a drink must be prepared for breakfast for children. It will help replenish calcium deficiency in the children's body.

As a blender to make a milk cocktail

To prepare a milk cocktail, you can use a shaker and submersible blender. But faster it is possible to get a delicacy using a stationary blender with a cup. Try to acquire a household appliance with a large bowl. This will make it possible to prepare a milk drink for the whole family and guests.

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