How to make Gogol-Mogol

How to make Gogol-Mogol

Gogol-Mogol is a useful and delicious folk drink, used with a cold, sore throat, sore throat and to recover voice. The interesting name Gogol-Mogol received for a mixture of various components in the composition resembling the messenger.

  • The main ingredients are a raw egg, salt, sugar and milk. The drink can be salty and sweet to taste, depending on which taste you like more. In case of illness for the treatment of a cold and sick throat, this "medicine" will enjoy small children, because the composition of the drink can add honey, milk, favorite fruits, nuts, spices, cocoa butter, citrus, berries, juices and fruits.
  • Gogol-Mogol is preparing not only for medicinal purposes, from this drink you can cook a relaxing drink, which will delight the taste and sees adult deplets to the cold, for which there are alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverage recipes.
  • A variant of the invigorating Gogol-Mogol with coffee charges by force and keeps her throat from the disease when eating it in the morning, you can even an empty stomach.

Prepare the classic Gogol recipe-mop - honey.

How to make honey Gogol-Mogol: Required products

We will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 Fresh raw egg.
  • 1 cup of fresh warm milk.
  • 3 tbsp. Spoons of her beloved variety of honey.
  • 1.5 tbsp. Spoons of sugar powder.
  • 2 tbsp. Spoon juice squeezed lemon.

How to make Gogol-Mogol - process of cooking

  • First, it is necessary to gently separate the yolk from the protein. Pre-prepare the container (cup or bowl) for protein and yolk. We split the egg in the middle above the cup and, pouring a protein from the shell in it, shifted from one half the shell into another. The drink will turn out to be tastier if you try to eat a pan in the yolk.
  • Yolk from the shell shift into a bowl for a blender and add honey to it. Blender mix the ingredients to obtain a homogeneous mass of almost white.
  • Do not ceasing, add heated milk and then lemon juice.
  • The resulting mixture is transferred to a cup, from which we will drink a drink.
  • Let's sing a bowl of the blender and put the eggs and sugar in it. Because the protein blender is necessary before the appearance of stable soft peaks. To achieve such a state, the protein needs to be taken cooled and add salt into it at the tip of the knife. Becate it follows 5-7 minutes at high speed.
  • In a cup, filled earlier on a 2/3 yolk mixture, we lay the whipped protein on top and sprinkle with sugar powder. Drink ready!

How to make Gogol-Mogol - a variety of tastes

  • With an angina prepare a simple Gogol-Mogol. For this, the raw egg is broken and completely laid out into the cup, they add some salt and spices to taste, then crumble bread.
  • Little children will like Gogol Mogol from Cocoa. Separate yolks from proteins in two eggs. Whip yolks with 4 tbsp. Sugar spoons, then add 4 tbsp. Cocoa spoons and 2 teaspoons of butter. The mixture, whipped to the appearance of lush foam, overflow into a glass and above the dense peaks of whipped proteins with 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar.
  • The invigorating Gogol-Mogol with coffee is prepared from a mixed one yolk with 5 tbsp. spoons of sugar, the amount of which can be in taste. Proteins are whipped into thick consistency with hard peaks. Pour into the cup 1 part of milk and 2 parts of freshly brewed coffee, mix. Over pour the yolk mixture and put the protein on it. Then you can mix and drink a drink or leave in a pylled form, so it will be more interesting.

Gogol-Mogol can be prepared for every taste: salty, sweet, alcoholic and dessert. This is a good remedy for the restoration of the lost voice and the treatment of the sore throat. The base of the beverage is a fresh egg that is used in the raw form. The main danger in the use of a raw egg is salmonellosis disease. Such a bacterial disease suffer from chicken and pass to the egg it can be through the litter, so it's better to wash the shell thoroughly with the brush before using a raw egg. It is very important to add raw eggs with fresh, carefully check the expiration date and never eat raw eggs in the food, the shell of which has cracks or bits.

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