How to make a cocktail from ice cream

How to make a cocktail from ice cream

Older people probably remember the delicious cocktails that they bought parents in children's cafes. Thick, with different fruit flavors - this is the real taste of childhood. In those distant times, cocktails could only be tried in special establishments, because they were whipped with professional devices. Today, when there is a mixer or blender in every house - even a child can cook drink. The most delicious cocktails from ice cream are obtained, they are also called "dairy".

For the preparation of a cocktail, take a blender or mixer. Blender can be taken at least stationary, even at least submersible. If you are going to beat a cocktail with a mixer, then better use the "Holy" nozzle.

Cocktail of ice cream traditional. You will need:

  • 200 g ice cream (white seal or ordinary dairy);
  • 1.5 liters of cold milk.

Ice cream cut into pieces and fold into the bowl for whipping. Fill it with milk, turn on the blender first on a small power, and when the ice cream is completely mixed with milk - to a large one. Stop whipping as soon as the milk mixture will double-three times. Pour the cocktail into beautiful glasses and insert the tubes in them.


Frozen ice cream cocktail. What you need:

  • 200 g of white ice cream;
  • 1.3 liters of cold milk;
  • 200 ml of fruit syrup.

All the ingredients fold into the bowl and take up to an increase in the milk-fruit mass. Glasses in which you will pour cocktails, decorate fruit or quotes of citrus.

Fruit ice cream cocktail. For cooking a refreshing drink, prepare:

  • 200 g of fruit ice cream;
  • 1.5 liters of milk.

You do not need to add syrup into this fruit cocktail, because fruit ice cream is taken as the basis.

Cocktail of ice cream and strawberry. This drink is especially good in a hot summer day at the cottage, when you can break strawberries directly from the bed. Products for this drink are needed.

  • 2 glasses of fresh strawberries without tails;
  • 100 g of white ice cream;
  • 300 g of natural yogurt;
  • 1 cup of milk.

First, take a strawberry, ice cream and yogurt. In a thick mass, add milk and boil the drink to the foam. This cocktail can be done only in the blender, because the mixer berries of strawberries do not break.

In the summer, when honey pitch begins, prepare a delicious milky-honey cocktail. For fragrant cocktail you need:

  • 200 g ice cream;
  • 1.5 liters of milk;
  • 4-5 tablespoons of liquid honey.

Beat everything in a blender or mixer and serve a honey cocktail, decides it with fresh mint leaves or sprinkle with cinnamon.

Want to pamper yourself and kids with a cocktail in winter? Then prepare it with the addition of bananas. Buy:

  • Ice cream - 200 g;
  • Milk - 1.3 liters:
  • Very ripe banana - 1 pc.

Banana Clean and cut into pieces. Also cut the ice cream. Fold everything into the bowl of the blender and fill with milk. Beat to the formation of a homogeneous magnificent mass.

Taking a traditional cocktail from ice cream as a foundation, you can add any suitable ingredients to it on your own taste. It can be liquid jam, strong coffee, berry or fruit puree, fruit juices. In any whipping cocktails, some ice can be made. So that the ice cream cocktail in this case has not become very liquid, reduce the amount of milk. This recommendation is suitable for that case if you take other liquid fillers.

Cocktails Serve in high transparent glasses. If you plan to decorate them, then take the glasses without a picture. Little children pour cocktails into wide glasses so that the kids are comfortable to drink them.

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Alexander 03/18/2015 at 21:47.

Tried everything from the list of most liked bananovyy.Spasibo of very useful tips for cocktails

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