What a blender for cocktails to buy

What a blender for cocktails to buy

Recently, healthy nutrition has become fashionable. In this regard, many for breakfast began to prepare smoothies, fruit and milk cocktails with cereals. Such beverages allow you to quickly quench the hunger and saturate the body with useful substances. Without special equipment to prepare a useful cocktail is almost impossible, blenders become the best assistants. What a blender for a cocktail is better to buy, we will tell in this article.

First of all, appreciate how much drink you need to cook at a time. If you have a big family, then boldly acquire the device with a bowl of 2 liters. In it you can beat not only milk and fruits, but also prepare the dough for pancakes.

What a blender for cocktails to buy

Now on sale there are submersible and stationary instruments. For cooking cocktails, it is better to buy a stationary device with a bowl. Pay attention to the power of the device than it is higher, the faster the whip process occurs. If you need to enter ingredients on slow revolutions, please purchase the device with the possibility of adjusting the speed. Ideal if the blender can work at a constant speed and in a pulse mode. Do not purchase equipment, the speed in which is not installed at a certain level. In pulse mode, it is sometimes impossible to achieve a lush and foam.

Pay attention to the presence of removable knives. For grinding fruits, vegetables and nuts, different blades are required, so get the device with removable knives. Best if the device is equipped with protection function. At the same time, the technique will only work when the jug closed with a closed lid, it will avoid splashing fluid during a whipping. If you need to enter some kind of ingredient during the work of the blender, then the lid should have a small hole with a removable plug. Some manufacturers make it in the form of a small transparent measuring cup, which significantly facilitates the process of preparing delicacy.

Immersible blender is quite difficult to crush a large number of vegetables and fruits. In addition, manufacturers do not recommend them to crumble ice. During grinding, products can be saturated from the tank, so it will have to do after cooking cocktails. The blender with a jug allows to get a crumb from ice pieces, which is often added to drinks.

If you choose in a stationary blender, pay attention to the material from which the bowl is made. It can be glass or plastic. Of course, the glass is very fragile, so you can smash such a cup very quickly. Plastic can absorb smells. But recently, manufacturers of such equipment invented a special plastic, which is characterized by high strength and does not absorb the aromas.

The most famous blender producers:

  • Bosch;
  • Moulinex;
  • Tefal;
  • Kenwood;
  • Philips.

Try not to acquire cheap Chinese technique. It even will even unpleasantly smell like plastic, the taste of which can purchase and products. In electronics supermarkets, Brown's technicians often offer. The blenders of this firm are relatively inexpensive, but the quality leaves much to be desired. Therefore, purchase more expensive Philips or Bosch devices.

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