Mobile phones
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  • Mobile phones
    To date, the smartphone has every modern man who keeps up with the times. A neat user of this gadget will surely protect the screen of his phone with protective glass or film, immediately reducing the risk of glass damage.
    08.04.2019 285 0
  • Mobile phones
    This article will help you with an additional access option to the engineering menu to restore access to IMEI.
    08.04.2019 274 0
  • Mobile phones
    Creating an entry from the phone screen may be needed at any time: if you want to keep your video, which is not possible to download or record the music that cannot be saved.
    27.03.2019 287 0
  • Browser
    Incognito mode helps to view sites that will not affect the browser history. Also all the entered passwords, logins, emails will not be remembered and will not be displayed in the on-site applications.
    25.03.2019 290 0
  • Mobile phones
    The quality of the Internet of the 4G level allows you to completely level the usual disadvantages of the mobile Internet in the form of a slow speed, as well as an unstable signal.
    16.03.2019 267 0
  • Mobile phones
    The use of QR code is increasingly gaining popularity. With this code, you can not only quickly access the information you need, but also securely protect your data.
    03.03.2019 294 0
  • Audio Video
    Today, everyone has a mobile gadget, without it, a modern man can not even imagine his everyday life.
    03.03.2019 279 0
  • Mobile phones
    To use the mobile device based on the Android system is very simple, but despite this, there is a lot of nuances, about which a typical user does not know until some problem arise or the need.
    03.03.2019 260 0
  • apple
    If your favorite gadget began to work slowly, the teams given to him performs once, then it was time to format it, in other words, to clean from the "garbage", which slows down the work of the smartphone.
    28.02.2019 318 0
  • Mobile phones
    Loading all sorts of applications on iOS devices, to the number of which also includes iPhone, is made through the App Store online store.
    24.02.2019 421 0
  • Mobile phones
    Popular Play Market Store, allowing you to download a wide variety of applications to the gadget android gadget, sometimes fails.
    19.02.2019 279 0
  • Mobile phones
    The possibility of using the Kaleidoscope service has each megaphone operator subscriber - this option is present in all SIM cards.
    19.02.2019 267 0
  • Mobile phones
    The reasons for which the user needs to remove the MI account can be the most different. It should be remembered that the removal of the MI account occurs permanently - its subsequent restoration is impossible.
    19.02.2019 292 0
  • Mobile phones
    The organization of communities in Messenger Vaiber allows you to unite people with similar interests by a particular issue.
    15.02.2019 287 0
  • Mobile phones
    The transition to the LTE data transmission mode (or 4G) significantly increases the comfort of work on the Internet - loading applications and documents, the exchange of various kinds of data occur at times faster.
    10.02.2019 303 0
  • Mobile phones
    Paid services offered by Beeline Mobile Operator can significantly expand the interactive capabilities of subscribers of this operator.
    08.02.2019 300 0
  • Mobile phones
    According to the most different reasons, the mobile device may require firmware. Let's find out today how to exercise such a process on your own Huawei manufacturer's mobile device.
    05.02.2019 307 0
  • Mobile phones
    With the blocking of the phone number, anyone has come across at least once in his life. The causes of this can be served various factors: network work failure, lack of funds on the personal account, voluntary blocking of the number in case of theft or loss of the phone.
    03.02.2019 316 0
  • Internet
    Those who use social networks will certainly stumbled into news feed on animation in GIF format.
    30.01.2019 318 0
  • Mobile phones
    Among the many information of the most different variety, which can be found on the expanses of the social network "VKontakte", video plots received wide popularity.
    28.01.2019 237 0
  • Banks
    There are different methods for transferring money from the card to the Sberbank card. One of the most convenient translation through sending a message.
    21.01.2019 282 0
  • Banks
    In the modern world, the availability of banking operations has reached a new level. Now, if there is a Sberbank card, you can connect its mobile version almost on any phone.
    19.01.2019 283 0
  • Mobile phones
    When you purchased a new SIM card, it must be activated. If Simka remains inactive, then make calls or receive incoming calls, the subscriber will fail.
    17.01.2019 245 0
  • Mobile phones
    The owners of new electronic gadgets periodically face the need to restart their phone or tablet.
    14.01.2019 291 0
  • Mobile phones
    In order to protect their mobile devices from third-party intervention, the android gadget owners use a wide variety of access encoding variations.
    12.01.2019 245 0
  • In contact with
    In such a popular social network, as Vkontakte has the opportunity to download the video for the phone. And there is not one way, but a few.
    05.01.2019 280 0
  • Computers
    A wide variety of utilities, firmware, additional functions that can be "developing" on their gadget allows you to experimentally experiment with a telephone or tablet.
    05.01.2019 313 0
  • Mobile phones
    Modern mobile devices went far in their progress and not only offer a whole arsenal of various functions, but also a high level of security.
    04.01.2019 228 0
  • Mobile phones
    The promptly made screenshot will help save the important information shown on the screen. That is why each user of modern gadgets need to know that cherished key combination, which contributes to a successful result.
    01.01.2019 285 0
  • Mobile phones
    Each smartphone user at least once used the screen with a screenshot with a screenshot.
    22.12.2018 302 0
  • Mobile phones
    To date, QR codes are increasingly popular - two-dimensional barcodes that make up the most different information.
    12.12.2018 279 0
  • Mobile phones
    Modern phones have a lot of useful features. With their help, you can mark the location on the map, use it, like a navigator, shoot high-quality photos and videos.
    07.12.2018 324 0
  • Mobile phones
    Conventional screenshots are very easy to make a smartphone - it's just a copy of the current screen that you are viewing on your Android phone.
    29.10.2018 303 0
  • Mobile phones
    Mobile phone users and other gadgets working on android may face the situation when the technique has ceased to respond to commands or does not want to be included at all.
    08.10.2018 285 0
  • Mobile phones
    Yandex. Navigator is one of the most popular applications. With it, you can build a route, find the nearest grocery store, refueling station, pharmacy, etc.
    08.10.2018 307 0
  • Mobile phones
    Failures in work can touch any technique. Phones on Android also comprehends this fate. In such a situation, their owners try to do with minimal material and moral costs and try partially or completely reset the device settings.
    03.10.2018 368 0
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