How to disable the channel

How to disable the channel "Mood" on biline

Paid services offered by Beeline Mobile Operator can significantly expand the interactive capabilities of subscribers of this operator. The only but important disadvantage is charge charges for these services. If the subscriber regularly uses them, no questions arise. But in cases where the service is connected, and the user of the network does not appear to it, it is recommended to disable it.

Set of deactivation team

Disabling almost any service is possible using the set of the corresponding digital query. To deactivate the channel "Mood" follows:

  • Dial from the phone keypad sequence "0684211866".
  • Press the dialkey.

Sending SMS-message

You can refuse the service unnecessary to you and by sending an SMS message.

  • In the text of the message, we prescribe the word "stop" (Cyrillic or Latin).
  • The addressee is number 9588.

Checking a list of paid services

To avoid unnecessary expenses, Beeline subscribers (as well as other mobile operators) is recommended to periodically view a list of activated service numbers. You can do this in the user's personal account.

  • Going to the communication operator's website Beeline Or in the Beeline Mobile App, open your personal profile.
  • You are interested in the subscription tab.
  • In it, you find a section of services. Go to the group of connected services. Here you will see all the active options for your number.

  • If the "Mood" channel is connected, you will find it in the Services tab. To deactivate it, you must type the command indicated opposite the corresponding field.

Carefully read all messages sent by your telecommunications operator, monitor the options connected by phone number in a timely manner, and then unjustified spending will cost your phone's balance.

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