Hi's service is very popular among cellular customers " Beeline" But it happens that some users connect it by mistake, the music anniversary or the need to save money. Therefore, they want to learn how to turn it off quickly and simply.
Sometimes " Beeline"Pleases its customers and connects some services for a free period. After its end, the fee will be charged, and they must disable the service. Now we will look at several ways to disable Hi's services: by setting a special number or combination, call the operator, the application of the official site, appeal to the company's office. To definitely disable it, it is recommended to use several options.
Special number. Perhaps this method is the easiest. Dial on your mobile phone number 0674090770 and click the call button. After that, the "Hi" service will turn off, but you will have the opportunity to restore it for six months. To do this, call the short number 0770. For subscribers " Beeline»The call is free.
Call to the operator " Beeline" Call 0611 and press the call button. When you wait for the operator's response, ask him to turn off the unnecessary service. He instantly deactivates her. Some users complain that the response from the operator has to wait too long. Therefore, if you are not ready to wait a whole hour with the phone near the ear, choose another way.
Special combination. Call the number 0550. You will hear the instructions of the automatic informant, which will list various actions. To disable the "Hi" service, he will ask you to press the number 4. Do not hurry to lay the tube. In the next voice menu you have to press another digit - 1. Now everything is ready. You should come notice from the company " Beeline»On the successful disconnection of the service.
Official site. Go to the site privet.beelane.ru - a section of services, "Hello." Go to your personal account. If you are on the site for the first time, you must create an account. To receive the password, click "Forgot your password or get." Then follow the simple prompts. Upon receipt of the password login to your account. You will see on the right menu "My Account". Locate the section "Control Panel" and go to him. In laying "Personal" you will be "standard tune." Change it to "Normal whistles." Do not forget to save changes. The service is disabled.
Separation Beeline" If you have difficulties, please refer to the company's employees " Beeline"Directly. Take your passport with you and go to the nearest office of the subscriber support. Make sure that SIM-card is registered to you. Explain your problem employees, and they instantly shut off unneeded services.
Supplements. To accurately verify that the service is "Hello" is disabled, use a free service for subscription management. He is on any SIM-card companies' Beeline" Dial the combination "* 111 #", and press the call button. You'll see a menu. Go to "My Beeline", then select "My Account" and "My Services." There you will see a list of all connected services. Alternatively, there is a special team - "* 110 * 09 #" and the call button. Typing it, you'll also see a message on the connected subscriptions.
Deactivation of the service "Hello" does not cause much difficulty. The easiest way is to call the number 0674090770. But if a shutdown is still having problems, please contact the nearest branch of the company " Beeline" The staff quickly help you to understand.
The service is turned off Hello 21/08/2017, but money continued to debit my account. What to do?