How to make QR code

How to make QR code

To date, QR codes are gaining increasing popularity - two-dimensional barcodes, allowing to mask the most different information. It can be a URL, telephone number, simple text message or Wi-Fi access. To recognize information you need to have a phone with a camera or computer. Modern technical capabilities allow you to independently create such a code. How to do it, read further.

QR code - what is needed for a quick response cipher

The standard capabilities of the QR-cipher in the form of coding of text information are no longer surprised. The extension of the functionality of two-dimensional quick access codes allows to significantly expand their scope.

  • Organization of Wireless Internet Access (Wi-Fi).

Encryption data access code to the network is a convenient way to distribute Wi-Fi in public places (restaurants, cafes). It is enough to scan the printed code. Next, the mobile device will automatically connect to the protected channel of the wireless Internet.

  • Collect funds.

This method of making Internet translations is especially relevant when collecting various kinds of donations (Yandex Money and PayPal). To do this, in the QR-cipher place the wallet number and the purpose of payment. The code can be distributed by mailing messages or printed. After scanning the cipher on the device screen, a page with a form for payment will appear.

  • Ban on placing direct links.

Many security forums and prohibit placement on their pages direct links to third-party Internet resources. The use of the QR label can be an excellent output from this situation.

Using dynamic ciphers allows you to adjust the contents of the code, even after placing it on various media. Using a resource VK-CC.Create a reference. In the future, passing authorization in this system, change the initial link at your discretion.

QR Code Creating Algorithm

The main "tool" of creating a two-dimensional cipher is the Internet resource that generates your code. To date, on the Internet, you can find a lot of services that allow you to create a "quick response" cipher. The resource selection depends on the type of code that will be created (from the type of information that will be "sewn" in QR-message) - whether, for example, view information, open the link in the browser window or sending SMS messages.

Popular resources for generating QR-cipher are:

A simple and convenient generator of ciphers, the algorithm of work with which will not cause any questions. However, the functionality of this resource is limited. The user can encrypt text messages, URLs, business cards and SMS messages.

QR-CODE and QR MoBizOn resources have similar functionality. The standard set of features is complemented by the coordinate encryption options (Google Maps Maps), Wi-Fi Distribution Passwords, and E-mail Addresses and Messages.

The main advantage of this resource is the ability to create dynamic two-dimensional ciphers that can be edited at any time.

The functionality of this service includes not only the ability to create text messages and URLs, but also color code design. In the future, the resulting image can be applied to clothing, bags, magnets and souvenir icons.

The resource opens a lot of opportunities for the design of the finished code. The resulting cipher does not have to be executed in the monochrome range and be applied on a white background. Using the service features, it is possible to create a color "substrate" code, as well as the gradient distribution of the color of the cipher itself.

To read the information hidden over two-dimensional information, you need to install the appropriate application on your mobile gadget. If this is an android device, the application will find in the Play Markt, if it is an IOS device, the user needs to contact the AppStore.

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