How to make stylus

How to make stylus

The stylus is fashionable, and sometimes the necessary addition to the tablet or telephone. But not always in stores you can see on the sale of stylistics, you have to wait for a long time or make a stylus yourself.

In order to build a handle for a tablet or phone, it will take quite a bit of time and materials.

How to make a stylus yourself

The most basic rule, without which the stylus will not work, is the use of conductive materials. Everything else - it does not matter. It turns out that the main conductive material is a metal or aluminum. Naturally, it is not very convenient and practical, because metal pencils can scratch the gadget screen. Therefore, we will make the stylus from softer and suitable materials. For example, a conventional food film or foil.

What you need to work:

  • foil;
  • pencil or pen;
  • cotton wand;
  • paper;
  • scotch or tape;
  • scissors.

The method of creating a stylus is extremely simple:

  • You need to take a handle, unscrew the rod.
  • A cotton wand must be cut with scissors so that the half of the sticks fit into the handle and filled out the free space. Therefore, cut the wand is better at an acute angle.
  • Now insert a piece of cotton sticks in the middle of the ballpoint handles, take the scotch.
  • It turns out that the cotton soft part will replace the rod.
  • Then your cotton wand needs to clean a piece of aluminum foil so that a small cotton ball remains at the end.
  • Foil is possible for reliability to fix sticking ribbon, so that during operation a homemade stylus, it did not jump.
  • In order to test the stylus, you will need a glass with water to wet your handle tip.
  • That's all, you can try the stylus in action.

The advantages of such a self-made stylus is the speed of creating a stick and minimum materials. Cons - it will have to make a cotton tip of the stylus in the water. Features of the work - the stylus will be "active" when you hold on to the foil with your fingers, only so static electricity will interact with the device screen. Therefore, it is not necessary to completely disperse foil into the sticky tape.

How to make a stylus. The second method

This method of creating a stylus at home is more time-consuming, but you can use a homemade stylus anywhere, because the water for contact with the screen will not need.

What you need to prepare for work:

  • aluminum washer;
  • aluminum thin wand;
  • cotton threads;
  • soldering iron.

How to make a stylus:

  • The soldering iron you need to solder the puck to the aluminum stick tip at right angles.
  • Then wrap the all the free space of the washer with threads so that the winding was dense and the thread during the operation of the stylus was not unwound.
  • On this, you can try a new fixture in action.

Pros of this method: The stylus replaces the finger, it is convenient to work, because you do not need to push the screen, the screen does not scratch due to wound threads. Cons: Not everyone can solder an aluminum washer.

Now you know how at home, literally in a few minutes, you can make a useful accessory - stylus.

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